The Christmas tree has an interesting background. Naturally, many have been the tales as to its origin. One favorite c&ncems Martin Luther who, while walking under the star-studded sky on Christmas eve, sought for a way to bring home to his children the beauty of the night. His heart was gripped with the thought of a large tree, gleam ing with candles. One was cut down and appropriately trimmed which delighted not only his family but also the many guests who visited the home. Actually, a tastefully-lighted tree should picture for us that divine luminescence which broke forth upon a darkened world at the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. To day, as you see a well-lit Christmas tree, think of the light shed abroad in men’s hearts by the coming of the Sav iour. But, also look beyond the cradle to the cross, that rugged tree on which He died to give us Eternal life. That which lifts our hearts is the beautiful
music and carols which had been a part of our seasonal remembrance since the 15th century. May the words, because of their familiarity, never rob vs of their force and meaning. May we sing unth the angels’ announcement at the Saviour’s birth, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace good will toward men.” * * * O n e o f th e m o st c o m m o n e rro rs is to m ista k e o u r w ish fo r G o d 's w ill. * * * T h e o n ly w a y to a ch ie ve w h a t w e c a n n o t do, is to let th e L o rd d o it th ro u g h us. * * * GOD’S PERFECT GIFT Perhaps one of the most familiar symbols of Christmas is a Santa Claus, who has seemed at times to rob the world of the true meaning of the sea son. I t was a man by the name of Nicholas, a wealthy Bishop of Myra in Asia Minor during the 4th century,
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