ficult situations? This is God’s pur pose for the Christian life. With sin and rebellion abounding all about you, are you still victorious through God’s grace? It is tragically possi ble for an individual to be so satis fied with the status quo that he doesn’t really want to experience the reigning life. To be sure, demands will be made upon us. But God’s abounding grace is more than suffi cient for every need. REIGNING LIFE T here is a real perspective to be be gained on the reigning life. The unfortunate thing for many Christians is that instead of reign ing in life we allow ourselves to be under the circumstances and find nothing but defeat and discourage ment. This is diametrically opposed to what the Lord intends for the Christian life. You see, the reigning life is simply the normal Christian life. All that you are required to live in this kind of life is basically al ready yours. People who would live the reign-
ing life must receive abundance of grace, the gift of righteousness and reign in life by Jesus Christ. These three requirements are extremely important. Every true born-again Christian has already received the gift of righteousness. How sad to see peo ple endeavoring to establish their own righteousness! They are in volved in all types of good things. Kind to their friends, wonderful to their children, these folks are thor oughly lovely to know. This, how ever, does not satisfy in the eyes of God. The Bible says that all of our righteousnesses are as filthy rags. Man’s standards are totally different from God’s. While we may be won derful people by human standards, we can still fall far short of the laws of God. The Bible reminds us that there is none righteous, no, not one. Yet, in the Lord’s wonderful goodness He gives us righteousness as a gift. The only people who can reign in life are those who have ad mitted that they’re not righteous, recognizing that the Lord Jesus died and rose again that they might be declared righteous. Have you re ceived the gift? The second requirement is that we receive the abundance of grace (Ro mans 5:20). Grace comes from the heart of God and is greater than all our sin. Second Corinthians 8:9 and 9:8 give us an excellent definition of sin. As far as receiving the abun dance of grace, this is highly possi ble, for God is able to make all grace abound toward you. Grace is simply the Lord Jesus, who was rich, becoming poor so that we who are poor can become rich. Even more simply said, grace is God giving us all His riches in exchange for all our rags. At any given moment or situation, we can recognize our “raggy” existence and claim the riches of our Saviour. Are you ac customed to relying on the abun dance of grace? 4
Mr. Jack Findley (center), member of the Biola Stewardship Department, looks over the program development for the school with Mr. John Isaac (left). Director of Stewardship, and Mr. Al Sanders, Vice President of Public Re lations. Stewardship Representatives are trained to assist Christians in matters pertaining to wills, agreements, estate planning, and other phases of Christian stewardship.
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