unto sin. It may be that one of your members has continually been avail able to sin. But not yielding your self it now means that the member of yours is no longer available; the temptation no longer has its appeal. You are yielding yourself once and for all to One who is alive in resur rection power. Have you ever gladly and joyously related yourself to the fact that your obligation to sin has been terminated? Therefore, to be consistent you say “no,” and stop yielding your members as instru ments of unrighteousness. Will you pray, “Lord Jesus, I’m glad You died for me. I’m discovering that I died in You. There are many things I don’t understand, but I realize that somehow You have made it possible for me to be set free from the power of sin. I know it is totally unsatis factory for me to sin. I understand that I’m related to You in the power of Your resurrection. On the basis of who You are in me, I want to reckon on Your power and Your life in me. I want to be able to say ‘no’ to sin. You, through Your power within me, can enable me to do this. I want to yield myself as never before to all that You are in me. I thank You thdt I can claim Your promises. Sin shall not have dominion over me as long as I continue to live in this atti tude. Amen.” God bless you as you go out today to enjoy victories in His name. RELATED LIFE I N R omans 7 :l-4 we find the blessed secret of the way in which a be liever can live a life of new relation ship to Jesus Christ. This is at the very center and core of all spiritual experience. Basically, Christianity is a relationship existing between the Lord Jesus Christ and an ordinary human being. This passage is really the story of a girl who got married with the realization that she had def-
Elsa Beckendorf, Biola senior, has the oppor tunity to work with boys and girls as a teacher in the first grade of the Loma Vista School located in the South Whittier District.Miss Beckendorf is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beckendorf, well-known Gospel musi cians.
inite responsibilities to her husband. While married, should she become involved with another man, she would be an adulteress. When her husband died, she was then free. Similarly, men were once married to the law. Then through faith in Christ, they died to the law and this relationship was terminated auto matically. This is one of my favor ite verses in the Bible. I usually like to preach about an hour on it alone. Think for a moment what it means to Mr. Law. There are many people who try to get to God and Heaven by being good. They endeavor to keep the Ten Commandments or, as the Bible suggests, they are endeav oring to be married to Mr. Law. His description in verse 12 is that he is holy, just, and good. The trouble is that he is so perfect it is impossible to live with him. I hope no wife has this problem. Mr. Law’s demands are so exemplary that there isn’t a hu man being alive, or who has ever lived, except Christ, adequate to ful fill his requirements. See his require ments in Galatians 3:10. The law doesn’t require belief. In our illus tration, every morning before he goes to work, he gives his wife a whole list of instructions. She knows perfectly well that it is imperative 9
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