be successful in India and Asia – two of ABC’s most profitable regions. The Almond Board has also made it a priority to tell all aspects of the industry’s story, with touchpoints in carbon, water and zero waste. In doing so, they’ve partnered with media outlets including the New York Times, Atlantic Magazine, Men’s Health and Women’s Health to drive these messages to new audiences. When it comes to developing relationships with the U.S. government and importers, it is not a “one size fits all” situation, as each importer has an individual set of technical, sustainable, and environmental expectations, explained Julie Adams, ABC vice president of technical and regulatory affairs, and Jonathan Hoff, chair of the Technical and Regulatory Affairs committee. As a result, Adams discussed the retooling of the California Almond Stewardship Platform, an integration of research, education and self-assessment resources to help growers and handlers address consumer demands. Much of this information would not be possible without the investment ABC has made and continues to make in
data collection. Funding continues to research leaf-footed bugs, Navel orangeworm control, rootstock selection, groundwater recharge, pesticide application, and whole orchard recycling, said ABC chief scientific officer, Josette Lewis, and Devin Clarke, chair of the Strategic Ag Innovation committee. The team at ABC also concepted new ways to be smart water users and utilize all four viable products coming from the orchard: the nut, shell, hull and woody biomass. From nutritional bars to coffee made from hulls, Lewis reiterated, “it isn’t just one gallon per nut; look at all the things you get with a handful of almonds.” While hardships still loom over the industry, a silver lining lies in the struggle of it all — the opportunity to learn, grow and innovate from these experiences. “While it’s going take a little bit of time, I’m confident that the work we’re currently engaged in will help aid the industry as we move through these difficult times,” Rodriguez concluded . Article contributed by The Almond Board of California
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