Kappa Alpha Psi’s First International Chapter: The Rho Mu Chapter is Chartered
Grand Polemarch Thomas L. Battles, Jr., and Southern Province Polemarch Bertram K. Orum with the members of the University of the Bahamas Chapter the Rho Mu of Kappa Alpha Psi.
F or the seven brothers initiat- ed at the University of The Bahamas (UB) made history on August 18 th when they became the Charter Members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity's first international undergraduate chapter, and the second to be chartered outside the continental United States with the University of [U.S.] Virgin Islands Chapter, the Xi Psi of Kappa Alpha Psi ® being the first chap- ter in 1996. After 108 years of existence, the organization officially established its presence on a college/university campus outside of the United States through the Rho Mu Chapter. According to their chapter’s presi- dent, Dominic Parker, who is finance
major, said their work is just getting started, as their goal is to have their presence felt in a meaningful way. “We’re not here to just wear our letters,” the polemarch said. “Our mission is to leaving a lasting impact on the lives of those who attend our institution as well as the many young people in our community who need some sort of guidance. You will be seeing a lot of us, whether it’s just through your regular community service initiatives or going deeper to leave our community better than the way we met it.” The young men spent the past year serving as a colony within their frater- nity. But given the strides they’ve made
within that year, were granted the honor of having their own chapter. “It’s been a long time coming and we feel great, because we worked really hard to make this a reality,” the Rho Mu Polemarch said. “We have a lot we want to do in the community, from a scholarship program to just helping to direct the younger generation of Bahamians along the path to success.” The fraternity has functioned in The Bahamas since 1973 through its Baha- mas Alumni Chapter. Now, brothers will be able to transition to that chapter after their undergraudate studies are complete. Here’s to the Rho Mu Chap- ter! Here’s to Kappa Alpha Psi!
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