a greater stretch, elevate your heel on a step. Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat 3 times on both legs. 2. IliopsoasStretch. Assume a wide and long lunge position, with your hands on your hips. Tuck your buttocks under you while you shift your weight to the forward leg. Make sure to keep your posture straight. Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat 3 times on both legs. 3. Shoulder Flexion Stretch. Stand in a corner of the room with one foot in front of the other. Place your hands on the wall and make sure to keep your back flat. Reach your arms up overhead. Move your chest towards the wall to feel a stretch in the chest. Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat 3 times. 4. Piriformis Stretch. Lie on your back with knees bent and your feet flat on floor. Cross one leg over top of the other. Lock your hands aroundyourkneeandpull it toyourchest.Hold for20seconds.Repeat 3 times on both legs. Contact Empower Physical Therapy today! Strength training can help you reach the physical goals that you’ve always wanted. It can aid you in your health and fitness journey so you canbecome themoreactiveversionofyourself thatyouenvision. Ifyou are interested in improving your health and fitness through strength training, don’t hesitate to contact Empower Physical Therapy today to find out how our services can benefit you! NEW Y EAR MEANS A NEW YOU ! LET EMPOWER PHYSICAL THERAPY HELP YOU REACH YOUR HEALTH & FITNESS GOALS THIS YEAR! The professionals at Empower Physical Therapy will help you regain lost motion, strength, balance and coordination resulting from pain in your shoulders, back, neck, hips or knees. Start the year off with a safe and conservative treatment that gets results, we can help to strengthen and increase your mobility, while decreasing pain. Ourgoal is toempoweryou toactivelymanageyourpain, increase your range of motion and get you moving again. We will get you back to living the life you deserve.
There are some simple exercises you can do on your own, in order to complement your strength training plan and keep in shape after your sessions are over. These include: 1. Hamstring Stretch. Stand facing a wall or counter. Use it to steady yourself if needed. Take a large step forward with one leg, making sure the knee of the forward leg is straight and your body weight is shifted to the bent back leg. Place your hands on your forward knee. Hinge forward from the hips, keeping your back straight. Push your hips back until you feel a definite, but not painful, stretch at the back of the forward knee. For
Thank you Empower! I hope that once again I can leadthe life Iwant. Iamtooyoungtohave to quit doing the things I love.” Michael M. “Thank you Empower!”
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