My Name is Ben

My name is Chris Duffield. I was diagnosed with stage 4 Melanoma cancer in February 2016. It showed up as what I perceived as a red ant bite on my forearm but it grew very quickly. When the doctor gave me the results of the biopsy, I researched and I knew the survival statistics. The treatment was intense but I could beat it. I could be a survivor. I made decisions about what I still needed to accomplish, where I wanted to travel, and what friends and family I needed to see. I was able to do most of those things and that made me very happy. I needed to live the rest of my life to the fullest. I advise everyone to do the same. I loved my family and friends and wanted them to see me happy and fighting. I had my independence and my dog, Ben. He traveled everywhere with me and kept me company. If you are reading this book, you know that I didn’t beat Melanoma. I passed away on April 16, 2018. So much more education and research needs to be done in the treatment of this aggressive cancer.

Thank you for purchasing this small book and making a donation to the Melanoma Research Foundation.

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