ACOT AR 2019-20_online

STRATEGIC PLAN In 2019, the College began work to refresh its strategic plan. Council and staff came together to examine the results of our last strategic plan, using this information to identify what worked well, what needed to be carried forward into the next plan, and what should be updated to reflect our changing regulatory and practice environments. It was agreed that our new plan would maintain a relentless focus on regulatory excellence to serve the public interest in receiving competent and ethical Occupational Therapy services. Development was started on a refreshed vision, mission and values for ACOT, with concrete success measures that provide a line of sight on how to fulfill them. Key Accomplishments Enacting the Strategic Plan • Refreshed our Continuing Competence Program to ensure it more accurately captures the continuous learning activities undertaken by each registrant to maintain and enhance competent practice. • Provided education to almost 1000 registrants on Continuing Competence Program requirements. • Added a requirement for all registrants to complete mandatory training on prevention of sexual abuse and sexual misconduct as part of their Continuing Competence Program in the next registration year. • Participated with partner organizations to deliver excellence in Occupational Therapy regulation to serve the public well, including: » The Alberta Federation of Regulated Health Professionals (AFRHP)

» The Association of Canadian Occupational Therapy Regulatory Organizations (ACOTRO) » The Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation (CLEAR) » Alberta Health Services » Government of Alberta Ministry of Health. • Invested in Council and College staff training through:

» The annual CLEAR conference » The Canadian Association of

Occupational Therapy conference » Workshops on regulatory issues provided by Field Law, and other related educational opportunities. • Started designing a new ACOT website to ensure all stakeholders are able to more easily find information. GOVERNANCE Standards of Practice, Code of Ethics and Bylaws Under the HPA, the Council is responsible for governing the profession in the public`s interest. Council carries out this responsibility through the development of standards of practice, codes of ethics and bylaws. ACOT’s bylaws were amended during the year to harmonize with its new Standard 10— Maintaining Appropriate Boundaries, which includes provisions regarding sexual abuse and sexual misconduct. The new bylaws include the requirement for any records of discipline or criminal conviction, or conditions placed



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