The third step in the process was that of Conversion. The Scrip tures tell us that "he washed their stripes." This is good evidence that such a previously cold, cruel, cal loused, and calculating jailor had experienced a change of heart. In one moment he is flogging the prisoners. In the next, he is wash ing their stripes. John Chrisostom, the golden-tongued orator of the early centuries, said in reference to the jailor's experience: "He washes them while he himself is washed from his sins." Conversion was instantaneous! Paul and Silas did not present the man with ten easy lessons for salvation. The fourth step is that of Con fession. The record simply declares that he was baptized and all his house. Baptism is the outward tes timony of an inward work of grace. It is God's object lesson to a world which needs to see the Gospel as well as to hear it! The New Testa ment makes more of baptism than most of us do! In this case, it was even more than a testimony; it was this man's identification with Jesus Christ. Who is head of your home? What is the unifying center of your family? Please notice that the jailor's en tire household was in on it! The record says that Paul and Silas "spoke unto him the Word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house." The message was intelli gible to everyone present. There was not a Gospel-hardened indi vidual in the entire family! Unfor tunately, all too many children raised in today's Christian homes take the claims of Christ complete ly for granted. So do their parents! Children can be influenced by the Word, but not changed by it! This Page 2 2
is the reason why we "must be born again by the Word of Cod, which liveth and abideth forever." The urgent need of many church homes is simply more of the Word. Cod has not promised to bless anything else. Paul and Silas did not give this family their own opinions, they gave them the Word! This is the only means by which we can nurture our chil dren! Parents must do it. We can not pass the responsibility to the pastor, youth workers, or Sunday school teachers. Too many parents allow television to be the focal point of their children's education. Their minds must be filled with the Word of God to the greatest degree possible! Let me ask you, what kind of a home do you have? Is it a place where Christ is the Head and feels at home? Is it a place where the Word of Cod is honored and read? Is joyful service the surrounding atmosphere? If not, allow Jesus Christ to become Saviour and Lord of your home as well as your heart (Acts 16:31).
A house Is built of logs and stone Of tiles and posts and piers; A home is built of loving deeds That stand a thousand years. —Victor Hugo
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