KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-04

1. A family who will keep loving me even when I do not deserve it. 2. A father who will understand and guide me and let me do some of the talking. 3. Parents whom I can trust, and who are honest. 4. Parents who stay at home once in awhile. 5. Parents who will encourage me. They always want me to do better, but they never say I have done well. 6. Parents who will pray for me, and with me. Salvation has always been re­ quired as far as our homes go. Never has there been a greater need for such a message than in this terrible hour. We are living in a day of unbridled wickedness. Think of the indescribable lawless­ ness and sensuality all about us. Educators, legislators, sociologists and others throw up their hands in despair. Who can cope with the problems confronting us. Society appears to have slipped beyond the point of no return. History's destiny is the judgment. Man's on­ ly hope is salvation through Christ Jesus.

demands, while children must exercise a loving and discerning obedience. No power on earth is as great as a mother's or father's prayer! Fathers Note that fathers are addressed, not mothers. While the heads of the household they are also to be examples. We owe our children more than money, clothing, edu­ cation, and board and room! The Bible says, "Abraham commanded his children after him." This is a responsibility fathers cannot shift to anyone else, not even to the mothers. There is both a negative and a positive command in this text for fathers. They are told not to pro­ voke their children to anger. One father confessed to me recently that it had taken him 19 years to realize that he had been hostile to his two sons. He wept as he said it! We may also provoke by con­ tinual negativism, by irrational out­ bursts of temper, by irritability, by constant threats without the ex­ ecution of punishment, by a lack of vested confidence, and by a fail­ ure to show creative companion­ ship. If we do not believe in our children, who will? If we do not live with them, who will? A father has three responsibilities for his children. He must pay for them, play with them, and pray in their behalf. The positive word is that we must bring our children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We could well heed what one lad wanted of his parents:

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