Employees "Servants, obey your masters" was spoken in the context of a cul ture where slavery was accepted as a form of life. A servant pos sessed no rights. The matter of respect, loyalty, and obedience is basic to this relationship. Let every employee give the full measure of service to his employer. This should not be merely when someone is watching, but as though Christ Himself were the Observer. What a different world of labor-manage ment relationships we would have if these simple injunctions were observed by both sides! Work is given a place of dignity in Scripture. It was intended by the Almighty as a "sanctifier of life." Leisure can be a destroyer simply because man has never been able to handle it. If you are a Christian and are gainfully employed, give the job your best, as unto the Lord! Employer Respect your help, and provide for it! Cod will be your judge if you take advantage of them. Paul is not asking for equal status in this text but for equal treatment. Had some areas of management done better by their help, we might not be plagued today with a bludgeon ing unionism. There is a Christian solution, even to this problem, if men are willing to abide by it! Put all these words together and you will have a home and a so ciety where God feels at home. If submission, love, obedience, nur ture, dedication and consideration become the building blocks of our society, God will be honored, and society will prosper.
THE GREATEST INVESTMENT YOU CAN MAKE is in the preparation of those who will carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth. There would be no missionaries to send, no ministers for churches, no Christian teachers for schools, and no evangelists to proclaim the Gospel unless schools like Biola are maintained to prepare dedicated Christian young people who want to use their talents and their lives in the service of Jesus Christ. With a thorough and practical knowledge of the Bible, Biola graduates take their place as lead ers in various fields of service. We invite YOU to make a regular investment in this most important ministry through the Biola Fellowship. (See coupon on reverse side of page.) We would also urge you to consider a deferred gift through Biota’s AGREEMENT PROGRAM and/ or by remembering Biola in your WILL. For fur ther information concerning WILLS and AGREE MENTS, please send coupon to the Stewardship Department at Biola.
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