KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-04

THE CHURCH IN YOUR HOME I Corinthians 16:19

These were not merely "home- prayer-meetings," or "Bible Study Classes." This was the very heart of the Church! Dr. Lightfoot points out, "There is no clear example of a separate building, set apart for Christian worship within the limits of the Roman empire before the third century, although apartments in a private house might be espe­ cially devoted to that purpose." In other words, the Church was not only a home, but the home be­ came the Church. Christianity was established at the heart of human society. We do not believe in "house­ hold baptism" or "household sal­ vation." An individual decision is required. Baptism does not save individuals or households! Acts 16:31 is not a "blanket promise" for the salvation of the Philippian jailor's family when he received Christ personally. In Paul's day preaching was directed to the "head of the house." It was the father who determined the relig­ ious course for the family. In our times the approach is through the child or young person with par­ ents sometimes neglected. An old preacher reminded me, "If you get the sheep, the lambs will follow." Early Christianity recognized the importance of this fact. The old axiom is true, "As goes the home, so goes the nation." This was ap­ plied to the Church! Unfortunate­ ly, we have departed from this pattern. Too often the children have been "farmed out" to every­ one else hoping that they will ac- Page 3 9

Near the Gate of Druses, as you enter old Rome on the Appian Way, there is a garden, containing the columbarium, or pigeonhouse, of the family of Nero. It derives its name from the pigeon-holes in which the cremation ashes were placed. This is the manner in which a Roman household interred the remains of its members whether they were ruler, prince, noble, free­ man or slave. Among such names inscribed are Tryphena, Tryphosa, Hermas and Junias, all mentioned in Romans 16. Here were simple, ordinary be­ lievers in the Lord Jesus Christ. They had put Christianity to the test and had not found it wanting! They discovered that Jesus Christ was adequate in any given situa­ tion, even in the circumstance of slavery. They are particularly re­ membered and commended for having planted Christianity square­ ly in the center of lime; namely the home in which they served. The New Testament abounds with this concept of the Church. When Tertius added his postscript to Ro­ mans 16:23, he refers to Caius as his host and of the whole church." Obviously, the church was in the home as was true in so many other places. Check out I Corinthians 16:19, Colossians 4:15, or Phile­ mon 2. You will find similar ex­ pressions. This is what Christianity looked like when it was new. In Acts 12 we see that believers were "daily in the temple, and in every house."

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