tial. Matthew 4 and Luke 4 records that Jesus Christ was tempted by the devil. The appeal of Satan was rebuffed by the words, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by ev ery word that cometh out of the mouth of God." During the wil derness temptation of Christ, the Saviour threw off every satanic assault with a recourse to the Word of God. Jesus indicated by the word "alone" that physical sustenance is just one of man's needs. There is more to life than a biological crav ing for food. St. Augustine declared, "The soul was made for God and man cannot find rest for his soul until he rests in God." Apart from God man lives in a spiritual vac uum, separated from God. His exis tence is a living death (Eph. 2:1). What a lamentable condition! Man senses his need of something be yond the material but is unable to satisfy his yearnings apart from faith in Christ. Such was the expe rience of the writer of the book of Ecclesiastes: he was constantly looking for fulfillment of his inner needs at the world's vanity fair, and found only emptiness as a re sult. Jesus said, "I am the Bread of life" (John 6:35). What a unique satisfaction. Man can be satisfied only by feeding upon the Bread of heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ. What is lacking in the unsaved is found in abundance in the redeemed.
our distinctive personalities we be gin to see that it is possible for God to really use us. In Galatians 5:16 we have Paul's suggestions concerning the personality of the believer. “Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." The 22nd and 23rd verses show us the fruit of a Spirit-filled and controlled personality. God has saved us and given us the Holy Spirit so that we might grow into the likeness of Jesus Christ. Our lives are to reveal Him to a world where He is not known. In Galatians 5:16 the word "walk" means to order one's be havior. Believers are instructed to conduct themselves under the con trol of the Holy Spirit. Following such practice will permit no op portunity for the lust of the flesh. The Christian possesses two na tures. The old, the one with which he was born, tends to sin. The di vine nature of Christ now living within him seeks righteousness and God's will (Rom. 8:2,4). The Bible says a great deal about the personalities of men and wo men. The personality structure, through the Holy Spirit, may be transformed into one that resem bles the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ. We must face our real na ture and realize ourselves for what we really are. We must realize our weaknesses as well as our poten
Biola Broadcaster is an official publication of Biola College and Talbot Theological Seminary, and is available as a complimentary gift to those Christian friends who regularly share in the ministry of the school by personal moral support, prayer support, and financial assistance. These Christian friends comprise "The Biola Fellowship." For information on how YOU can become a partner in Biola's great ministry simply write: The Biola Fellowship, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California 90638. S --------------------------------------------------------------------- ( Page 4 5
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