We must make certain that our life backs up what we say. No Christian can share the sinful pleas ures of the world and still be ef fective for Cod. Believers who move the world for God are those who do not let the world move them. In verse 16 we are commanded to hold forth the Word of life. This is not the responsibility only of the preacher. Each of us has a specific ministry to carry out. To some ex tent we must bear much of the blame for the lawlessness and im morality which abounds in the world today. Often we have failed to raise a standard of righteous ness for the Lord. As ambassadors for Christ we are to deliver the good news of redemption to mem bers of our generation. We must plead with them to be reconciled to Cod. Are we doing our part? Read again, and then let us ask the Holy Spirit to apply to our hearts, the truths found in Philippians 2:12-16. Does it really matter that we lose social status by refusing to conform to the world? John emphasizes that we are conquerors; literally reign ing kings. The way of the cross is by no means the way of the crowd. But it is the only way that leads to an eternal crown. God has redeemed the believer, giving us a great responsibility in the world. We are to show godli ness telling men how they can be set free from sin. Godly living and gospel preaching will not make us popular. We can expect to be os tracized. We should gladly bear whatever reproach comes. We have been saved out of this world's system of things, given a new position with Christ in the
heavenlies (John 17:6). Our citi zenship is in heaven, from whence we look for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are pilgrims and strangers, exiles and aliens. Matthew Henry pointed out, "This is not your final rest. Here we have no continuing city. We cannot make ourselves too greatly at home down here, because we were made for another world to come." How true that is! SOCIAL INVOLVEMENT There are many problems of life that can and need to be overcome. The Word of God was never more relevant than in this present hour. The Holy Spirit lives within us through Hiswonderful power. Have you taken stock of your person ality? Everyone experiences dif ferent emotional stress. This is all further complicated by the fact that we are living in the midst of a hostile society. Some of us need to learn how far we can go in be ing socially involved in the affairs of life. We cannot choose the life of a recluse, preferring to be iso lated from people. Most people want the company of others. There is a compulsive desire in most to belong to something which is iden tifiable. We desire to share mutual interest, working toward common goals. One look at your newspap er's society pages will be good evi dence of this. We are encouraged from the very earliest days of our social de velopment to make friends and cooperate with others. In infancy we were probably taught to share our toys with other children. Later our ability to fit in with the group was recorded on our first grade Page 53
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