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Axfood Retail | EMEA SAP Assortment Planning SAP Design | SAP Fiori


Axfood is a leading food retail group in Sweden and the second largest player in the Swedish food retail market.

Real-time Simulations New system uses predictive analytics while also allowing for manual adjustments or overrides.

Web Site

Headquarters Sweden

Products Food retail group



SEK 73,474 M ($6.9 M USD)


Business Challenges • When it came to its assortment planning needs, Axfood welcomed the opportunity to innovate on an existing SAP solution to create something much more differentiated and customer-centric. At the top of its agenda was creating a solution that makes users “love to work in the system” • Address the lingering pain points of the previous solution: slow performance, not being able to plan multiple assortments simultaneously, not having enough customer-centric aspects in the decision-making processes, and needing to use a separate system such as Microsoft Excel to conduct cluster analysis • Provide the user with the data that they needed easily at their fingertips without overwhelming them Customer Benefits • Allows users to display all the data they need on the same screen while maintaining the advantages of Excel, but also adding the artificial intelligence (AI) and mass maintenance that is only possible with SAP’s design system • Allows for real-time simulations, uses predictive analytics to cluster based on attributes, KPIs, or any custom criteria, as well as enables manual adjustments or overrides where necessary

User Flexibility User decides whether to work manually by selecting a product for a particular store, or fully automatically such as when planning an assortment together with a lot of data and artificial intelligence.

Anna Ihme application specialist for Assortment Planning Axfood “We want the users to enjoy working in the system so that they actually use it and don’t venture off and use any other tools because then we wouldn’t have the benefit of built-in functions, up-to- date KPIs, and intelligent planning.”

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