Latent Demand Report


WHAT DOES THIS TELL US? In the case of the Sample Club, we can see the prominent Mosaic group in the area is I (Family Basics) ; it accounts for more than a quarter (25.6%) of all adults aged 15+ in your catchment, which is more than three times the national average. Family Basics are households bringing up children, who have limited incomes and budget carefully. Most adults are in their 20s, 30s and 40s. Group M (Modest Traditions) makes up almost 19% of your catchment population, which is more than five times the national average. These are older homeowners, often in their 50s and 60s, who own affordably priced houses. These households include couples whose children have left home, parents supporting adult children with accommodation, and mature singles who are living alone. A good number of these older adults still work full-time. Group H (Aspiring Homemakers) makes up a further 16% of your catchment population and this is, again, above average. These are young people in their 20s and 30s who are putting down roots in pleasant homes. Many have moved in recently, others have lived there for a few years and are beginning to settle. Households are a mix of young couples and single people. Around two- thirds have started families and have young children. The only other Mosaic group represented at above average levels (i.e. with an index score above 100) is L (Vintage Value) . It makes up 9.4% of your catchment population, compared to a national average of just 5.3%. These are retired people aged 65+ who live in accommodation that is modestly sized. The majority now live alone.



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