Latent Demand Report


YOUR LATENT DEMAND FORECAST The final step is to calculate how many members you’re likely to attract to your facility, which – as you’ll see in the breakdown (next page) – we break down by Mosaic type to help you fine-tune your planning. We estimate the latent demand for fitness at the Sample Club to be 2,016. This is the total number of members we feel could be achieved. This figure includes allowance for 25% of the total to come from outside the estimated catchment area. It also includes some negative consideration for competition in the area. Note that this isn’t about stretch goals. It’s about what 20+ years of accumulated data and experience tell us is actually feasible. We’re here to help you set realistic expectations. This estimate includes allowance for 25% of the total to come from outside the estimated catchment area. It also includes some negative consideration for competition in the area. Let’s go into a bit more detail, including which population types your members are likely to come from. In the following breakdown, you’ll see three columns. The first column lists all 66 Mosaic types, while the second column shows the total number of adults aged 15+ in your catchment that fall into each type. The final column shows the estimated demand for your facility, within your catchment, from each Mosaic type. That is, how many members you’re likely to actually get from each type. Note that these individuals could be brand new to gym membership or cannibalised from elsewhere. All estimates are based on the various filters applied within our model – i.e. the estimated penetration rates for each type are calculated based on your offering, location, pricing, the local competition and so on. Each filter applied or changed will therefore also change the penetration rate for each type.



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