Latent Demand Report


GOT EXISTING MEMBER DATA? You now have the most robust, reliable data on which to base your decisions, but please don’t stop there in your due diligence. Where you have existing members, you might also be interested in our member analysis reports, which provide a deep dive into who your members are, where they’re travelling from, how well you’re penetrating each population group within your catchment, and the defining characteristics of your key member types. Two elements of these member analysis reports – our Mosaic member profiles and our member dot maps – are particularly valuable complements to our latent demand reports. The former establishes how well you currently penetrate each Group and Type of consumers in your catchment. The latter, by showing where your members live, allows marketing to be focused on the areas of highest return to fulfil latent demand predictions.

Get in touch now to request a member dot map and/or a Mosaic member profile to enhance your latent demand insights!



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