Latent Demand Report


BROADEN YOUR KNOWLEDGE with Leisure DB’s industry reports

Leisure DB’s industry reports provide the most accurate, granular view of the supply-side to the industry, based on a proprietary database that we’ve developed over 20+ years. These unique reports are cited by operators, suppliers, investors, consultants and government bodies across the UK and into Europe as providing ‘invaluable business insights’ into their respective sectors. Each report is compiled from a comprehensive review of the industry that involves detailed individual contact with all sites. Throughout the year, this intelligent audit allows our dedicated research team to capture changes as they occur, including new openings, closures, expansions and site/ management takeovers. In 2024, with the support of Leisure DB’s fantastic partners, the State of the Industry Reports will be available free of charge for the first time in history. The new State of the UK Fitness Industry Report was launched on 6th June 2024 and is now available. You’ll find the new State of the Fitness Industry Report, plus our most recent swim & boutique reports, at For more information on Leisure DB’s other market-leading products and services, please see page 30.

State of the UK Fitness Industry Report 2024



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