Latent Demand Report


THE 15 MOSAIC GROUPS (continued)

E – Senior Security UK Population: 7.00%

F – Suburban Stability UK Population: 5.16%

Retired singles and couples Pre-war generation Established in community Low internet use Have wills Solar panels

Older families, no children Own mid-value semis 3 bedrooms Established in community News and media sites Solar panels

Elderly people with assets who are enjoying a comfortable retirement

Mature suburban owners living settled lives in mid-range housing

G – Domestic Success UK Population: 8.95%

H – Aspiring Homemakers UK Population: 10.50%

Families with children Mid to high household income Monthly discretionary income under £1000

Younger households settling down in housing priced within their means Families with young children 3 bedrooms High outstanding mortgages Internet via smartphone Texts and photos on smartphone Order from takeaways

Very high mortgage debt Internet via smartphone Online shoppers

Thriving families who are busy bringing up children and following careers



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