Latent Demand Report


It might even mean not going ahead if expected member numbers are too low to justify the investment – but crucially, it means making that decision at an early enough stage that funds aren’t wasted, without ever wondering if you missed a big opportunity. Meanwhile, for those already operating a facility and looking to maximise membership, our latent demand reports provide insight into exactly who the potential customers are within the catchment area, and how numerous. In turn, marketing can be fine-tuned to capture these opportunities. It’s why operators, agencies and consultancies the length and breadth of the UK rely on these reports to inform their decisions. “Leisure DB’s latent demand reports provide the most comprehensive and accurate data out there. The results have been proven in operation at many new community sports developments in the UK. We would not do a detailed feasibility or business case without them, and I can’t recommend them highly enough to anyone seeking leading industry data to support significant investment decisions.” Tom Pinnington, The Sports Consultancy “We have gone to Leisure DB for latent demand reports for over 13 years now, trusting them to provide us with the most comprehensive, accurate data available. The reports are clear, easily understandable by our clients, familiar to operators who use them in their own tenders, and good value. Last but not least, the Leisure DB team is incredibly knowledgeable and helpful, and their

customer service second to none.” Kevin Godden, FMG Consulting

“The source of market insight in the UK fitness industry. The level of detail delivered enables me and my clients to make accurate projections around membership numbers and revenue. This is crucial in understanding the viability of any club, and what the pricing and marketing strategy should be. A very knowledgeable, professional business and highly recommended.” Andy Kidd, Elios Marketing



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