Latent Demand Report


THE POWER OF MOSAIC Once your catchment area has been defined, it’s time to understand the make-up of its population. This is where Mosaic comes in. Based on 450+ data variables, Experian’s Mosaic consumer classification platform encompasses 15 groups (see appendix) that break down into 66 types. For example, within Group A sit four types, all sharing enough characteristics to group them together – in this case, high income – but differing in other ways, such as age, having children and so on. Mosaic is designed to present a clear picture of who lives where in the UK, with groups offering an overall feel of a catchment, then types going into more detail. Indeed, thanks to Experian, every UK postcode can be classified by dominant Mosaic type(s). In turn, that means an accurate understanding of the demographics and characteristics of the population in any area of the UK – age, life stage, affluence, home ownership, types of property, whether they have children, how they holiday, shop, consume social media… THE ACCURACY OF TYPES Leisure DB’s latent demand reports work at the detailed level of Mosaic types, with our model not only showing dominant types, but all types within the catchment indexed to show their comparative weighting and importance. Using types is what drives the accuracy and value of our reports, as it really allows us to dive into the specifics. In our model, each Mosaic type has its own predicted penetration rate for your facility or planned facility – and those penetration rates are calculated using our peerless database of facilities and members, with a range of filters applied to ensure we’re comparing like with like. Does your facility, or planned facility, have a pool? What about a group exercise studio? How big is the gym? In what part of the UK is it? What’s the price point? What are the population numbers and demographic clusters in the catchment area? Each filter applied narrows and refines the set of facilities against which we benchmark yours, so your latent demand forecast is based only on learnings from relevant – i.e. highly similar – sites. Each filter applied also changes the likely demand, and therefore penetration rate, for each Mosaic type, because each new filter will of course impact the

relevance and appeal of your facility for each prospect type. The result is the most accurate possible forecast of demand.



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