King's Business - 1916-05



REVISED “REVELATION ” To a candid mind these changes in the text book o f Christian Science certainly give reason for doubting w.hether a “ reve­ lation” needing so much change, revision, and substitution was given by special inspi­ ration o f God. A Christian Science reader and practitioner, well known in , Chicago Christian Science circles,, . stated recently that it was this one fact—the constant changing and. revision o f Science and Health, that first led her to doubt the truth and reliability o f the claims Of Chris­ tian Science to be a divine revelation, and which led her, later, to give up all faith in it. The matter o f change and revision, extending as it does, even to direct contra­ dictions o f former statements, must event­ ually lead any Serious-minded person to doubt that Christian Science is anything more than human .in its origin. j u d g i n g C h r i s t i a n ' s c i e n c e - It has been stated that one who is not a fully-initiated Christian Scientist is not cap­ able o f judging the faith of that cult. It seems to us, however, that one who is not himself a Christian Scientist, is really bet­ ter able to judge of the merits of the case. There are reasons for this. The Christian Scientist is forbidden ito read books that speak against that cult; he is told he must not argue with any one, even those who are o f the closest kinship, if they manifest opposition to the teachings o f Christian Science ; the doubts that arise in his mind must not be expressed to any one save his teacher; individual thinking and opinion is discouraged; in point o f fact, the only books he is encouraged to read are those which are sent out by the Christian Science publishing house in Boston. The Christian Scientist, therefore, has been characterized as one who is “compelled to walk through life' like a horse with blinders, seeing only one thing and reading only one class of books,” Thè man who is hot thus restricted in his reading and speaking is surely more competent to judge o f the value o f Chris­ tian Science than one who is handicapped

and limited as is the fully-initiated mem­ ber o f that cult. W H Y SINGLE IT OUT? Why should the Christian pulpit deal with the faith and practice o f Christian Science? Why single it out rather than some others ? Why not leave it alone? The ' Çhristiàh pulpit“would gladly leave it alone Vete ¿it not fop the fact! that it comes ta us with the title “ Christian,” and “In the name o f Christ,” and with its own text f boo'k bound in between the covers of-ou r I Holy Bible. It demands a respectful hear­ ing because it has attached to itself the .name “ Christian.” But further, the Christian pulpit must pay some attention to Christian Science because it assumes the privileges and pre­ rogatives o f a religion. It has its ministers, its churches, its members, its regular, ser­ vices, its bible. Although.the organization o f churches and the recognition o f creeds, while now considered in Christian Science absolutely essential to its success, fs a departure which Mrs. Eddy, in the begin­ ning o f the cult, severely criticized as unnec­ essary, a great mistake, a great hindrance, rather than a help to the highest spiritual development. In Science and Health, pp. 166, 167, 1875 Edition, Mrs. Eddy says: “W e have no need o f creeds and church organizations to sustain or explain a dem- onstrable platform, that defines itself in healing the sick, and casting out error. The uselessness o f drugs, the emptiness of knowledge that puffeth up, and the imagin­ ary laws o f matfer are very apparent to those who are rising to the more glorious demonstration o f their God-being: The mistake the disciples o f Jesus made to found religious organizations and church rites, if indeed they did this, was one the Master did not make ; but the mistake church members make to employ drugs to heal the sick, was not made by the,, stu­ dents o f Jesus. Christ’s church was Truth. ‘I am Truth and Life,’ the temple for the worshippers o f Truth is Spirit and not mat­ ter . ; . “ No time was lost by our Master in

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