King's Business - 1916-05



true God, uniting them in one common brotherhood. .“After due deliberation and earnest dis­ cussion it was unanimously voted: That as all debts o f the corporation have been paid, it is deemed best to dissolve this cor­ poration, and the same is hereby dissolved.” The Christian ministry is under obliga­ tion to warn Christendom o f the errors of doctrine, and the apostasy o f the days that are upon us and that are to come. It is remarkable to note, says one, that our Lord in dealing with the theme o f the apostasy o f the last days, characterizes it as not being down-right lawlessness, showing itself forth as such, but as a system, an organized form o f professed truth, pro­ fessing to come in the name of Christ, but in reality denying Christ, and thus leading its adherents to ruin. And now, coming more particularly to the reasons “Why I am Not a Christian Sci­ entist,” let me say: I. I Am Not a Christian Scientist Be­ cause Christian Science Is Not Sci­ entific. On the contrary, Christian Science denies the very first principles o f science. Science is defined as “Knowledge gained and verified by exact observation.” One thing which “ exact observation” verifies by the experience o f all is that' matter exists, and that there are various kinds of matter. It also asserts that these scientific facts or data come to use through the senses. This scientific platform Christian Science denies in toto. The very first plank in the platform o f Christian Science denies the reality o f matter; declares that there is no substance in matter; that matter is mor­ tal error; that matter is unreal. The fol­ lowing quotations set forth the Christian Science platform relative to the existence o f matter: “Matter seems to be, but is not {S. & H.j p. Í23, 1909, 1916). “ There is no such thing as matter.” “Matter is but manifest mortal mind” (Mise. Writings, p. 47, 1916) . “There is no matter” (Rudimental Divine Science, p. 6). “Matter was originally

organizations, rites and ceremonies, or in proselyting for certain forms o f belief.” -Did Christian Science assume a mere therapeutic attitude toward things, the Christian church would have no quarrel with it; did it content itself with being a “mind-cure” agency—which in reality jt is —and not aspire to the title o f a divine­ healing cult, whose cures are wrought by virtue-of a relation to certain religious principles, called Christian; then, if it kept within reasonable bounds, the Christian pulpit would not need' to pay any particu­ lar attention to it. That Christian Science really started as a mental healing cult is clearly evident from the following paragraphs, taken from some resolutions passed at a special meet­ ing o f the Board o f the Metaphysical Col­ lege Corporation, October 29, 1889. Fol­ lowing is the exact quotation found on pp. 48 and 49 o f Retrospection and Introspec­ tion by Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy: “At a special meeting o f the Board o f the Metaphysical College Corporation, Oct. 29, 1889, the following are some o f the reso­ lutions which were presented and passed unanimously: “Whereas, The Massachusetts Metaphys­ ical College, chartered in January, 1881,- for medical purposes, to give instruction in sci­ entific methods o f mental healing on a purely practical basis, to impart a thor­ ough understanding o f metaphysics, to restore health, hope and harmony to man,— has fulfilled its_ high and noble destiny, and sent to all parts o f our country, and into ' foreign lands, students instructed in Chris­ tian Science Mind-healing, to meet the demand o f the age for something higher than physic or drugging . . . . “ Resolved, That we thank the State for its charter, which is the only one ever granted to a legal college for teaching the Science o f Mind-healing; that we thank the public for its liberal patronage. And everlasting gratitude is due to the President for her great and noble work, which we believe will prove a healing for the nations, and bring all men to a knowledge o f the

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