King's Business - 1916-05



be mortal and erring illusions” (p. 477, 1916). “The only evidence . . . o f a material state and universe, is gathered from the five personal senses. This delu­ sive evidence Science has dethroned by re­ peated proofs o f its falsity” (Mise. Writ­ ings, pp. 64, 65). Christian Science rejects the testimony b f the senses, and “will not believe even though one rose from the dead.” “I f this proposition o f the delusive evidence o f the senses should be pressed to its conclusion, then everything the author o f Christian Science has written would be proven false, since the evidence o f her writings comes through at least two o f the senses—seeing and hearing.” Thus Christian Science refusés the testimony o f the senses through which we gain scientific knowledge, and inconsistently calls itself a science. To the Christian Scientist, medicine and hygiene are unnecessary ; physical exer­ cise and care in diet are scarcely worthy o f consideration. The difference between filth and flowers lies only in thought—one would be as attractive as the other i f it were not for the deluded mortal mind. All that medical men have to say about germs and microbes producing diseases is litter foolishness.. POWER OF SUGGESTION In speaking o f Christian Science over­ coming the power o f drugs, the founder of Christian Science claims that she took large doses o f morphine just to demonstrate that the drug would have no effect upon her. She says (Mise. Writings, p. 249), “ The drug had no effect upon me whatever. The hour had struck—‘if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them’.” There is no difference between whiskey and milk except that difference which the mortal mind makes ; if you associate the idea of intoxication with milk, then milk will make you drunk. Any amount o f strychnine would be harmless except for the fact that we think it is fatal. A bunion will produce insanity just as quickly as congestion of the brain, if you only think so. “ Palsy is a belief that matter governs

^mortals and can paralyze the body, making certain portions o f it motionless” (S. & H., p. 375, 1916). “The pallid invalid, whom you declare to be wasting away with con­ sumption o f the blood, should be told that blood never gave life and can never take it away”-—that there is “more life in one good motive, and act than in all the blood” (S. S' H., p. 376, 1916). “ Consumption . . . is not inherited; inflammation, tuber­ cles, hemorrhage^ and decomposition are beliefs, images o f mortal thought superim­ posed upon the body” (S. S' H. p 42S 1916). “W ISE SAYINGS?” To a Christian Scientist there is no such thing as heat or cold—“Heat and cold are products o f (the) (mortal) mind” (S. & H., p. 373, 1899; p. 374, 1909, 1916). Expos­ ure to cold draughts while in a state o f perspiration, cannot possibly be “ fol­ lowed by chills, dry cough; influenza, con­ gestive symptoms in the lungs, or hints of inflamatory rheumatism,” if you are a Christian Scientist, but if not you will suf­ fer from the “bad effects o f your belief’^ that you will catch cold. But if a Chris­ tian Scientist, you have an abiding convic­ tion that you have broken no law” and so neither rheumatism, consumption, nor any other disease will ever result from expos­ ure to the weather. In (Christian) Science this is an established fact which all “evi­ dence before the senses could never over­ rule” (cf. S. S- H „ p. 384, 1916). The Christian Scientist need not change the weight o f his clothing in summer or win­ ter , he need not go south in the winter, or north in summer. He need not build a fire nor use ice; he has no need o f the coal man or the ice man. Though every thermometer in the land should indicate zero, the Chris­ tian Scientist would have no need to wear fur. or sealskin, for the cold cannot effect him. Steam-heated apartments 'a re no longer necessary, for ice and snow are only products o f false belief. One might well ask, Does mortal mind raise and lower the mercury in a thermometer? Are ice and snow really but productions o f false belief?

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