King's Business - 1916-05



.that you have a calm center within which can never be disturbed.” According to this, a man is sick only because he thinks he is sick. Catarrh, rheumatism, hay-fever or consumption are not because o f the climate, but on account o f belief (cf. Y. & H., p. 385, 1894, 1899; p. 386, 1916). The Chris­ tian Scientist says, “You say a boil is pain­ ful, but that is impossible;” . . . it is “a belief in pain and (that) this belief is called a (pain) boil” (Y. & H., pp. 46, “47, 1899; p. 153, 1908, 1916.) Surely no person is foolish enough to suffer from a boil simply by imagining that he has one. “ The Christian Science infant is born o f the Spirit, born o f God, and can cause the mother no more suffering” (S'. & H., p. 463; 1916). CONTAGION Mrs. Eddy tells us “W e have smallpox because others have it” (Y .' & H., p. 47, "1899; p. 153, 1909, 1916), The Christian Scientist says to the man with the contag­ ious disease, “You are not sick; you are perfectly well, and- you may go among your friends as much as you please,” If it be true.that “Man is never sick,” then our hospitals are filled with, sound, healthy, well people, and it is a shame for the phy­ sician to take money from well people, and nothing short o f a crime for Christian Science practitioners to take money from patients for curing diseases which the patients do not have. This is getting money- under false pretenses. -According to Christian Science, “ There is no death” (Y.‘ & H., p. 425, 1899; pp. 427, 428, 1909, 1916). “ Nothing . . . can end the existence o f man in (or according to) Science. Man is the same after as before a bone is broken or the body guil­ lotined” (S. <5* H., p. 427, 1916). “ Death is (but) - a mortal illusion” (Y. & H .; p. 185, 1894, 1899; p. 289, 1916) ; -“ A Mortal Belief” (S. & H., p. 185, 1894, 1899; p. 289, 1916) ; “ The body cannot die” ( S. & H „ p. 424, 1899; p. 426, 1909, 1916) ; “Man

is incapable o f: . . . death” (Y. & H., p. 471, 1899; p. 475, 1909, 1916). DEATH ’S REAL ITY I f it be true that “ The body cannot die,” then is not the mother wh(? has laid away her little child, being persuaded thgt it was dead, really guilty o f burying her child alive? As we have stood by the bedside of our loved ones and watched them breathe their last; as we have followed them to the cemetery, and seen their bodies laid beneath the sod, have not we also been guilty o f burying our loved, ones alive? I f “the body cannot die,” then our friends are not dead, and in believing that they no longer, live we are the victims o f a false belief, and we are perpetrators o f a bar­ barian and criminal practice. That this proposition—that there is no­ reality in matter, and that the experience o f the senses is not to 'be relied'upon, but absolutely ignored—should be laid down as the fundamental plank o f a cult calling itself scientific; that it should , seriously engage the attention' o f honest and intelli­ gent persons seems almost beyond belief. How can any thinking man accept as a sci­ ence, anything that so. absolutely refutes the very fundamental facts o f science as' does Christian Science, falsely so called? . “If from an injury or any other ’cause, a Christian Scientist were seized with paih so violent that he could not treat himself mentally—and the Scientists have failed to relieve him—the sufferer could call a sur­ geon, who would give ,him a hypodermic injection, then when the belief in pain was lulled, he could handle his own case- mentally. Thus it is that we ‘prove-all things; (and) hold fast that which is good’ ” (Y. & H., p. 464, 1916), In the preface of the 1909 edition-.of Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy says: “ The divine principle o f healing is proved by the personal experi­ ence o f a sincere seeker after truth . . ; No intellectual proficiency is required in the learner." W e can readily believe it.

(Finis of Article j§

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