King's Business - 1916-05


TV/TISS FLORENCE PIKE, a graduate o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, and now in her first half year as a mis­ sionary to China, in her letters to her fam­ ily in Pasadena, gives many interesting details o f her new life—at present mainly devoted to a study o f the Chinese language. This magazine recently made entertaining excerpts from letters o f her sister,. Miss Bessie Pike, who is also a missionary, located at Pi Yang, China. Incidents are culled from the letters o f Florence without regard to their concurrence, having been written from Linchow and Canton: I am getting more and more in love with

burden. I rather enjoy it. I am always glad o f the opportunity to talk to the servants or any Chinese, for the practice is a great help. W e all went on a picnic Saturday, to Sam Kong, a distance o f eight miles. There were eleven o f us and between iis we had two horses and three sedan chairs. W e ate lunch in a delightful pine grove. Sunday we went to Church. I understood a few words and phrases. There were sev­ eral Chinese women around us. One woman sitting in front 'of us took the ear-pick out o f the woman’s hair next to her and picked her ears. , Does that remind you of

A CHOP-STICK LUNCHEON Left to right: Mrs. Patton, Mr. Kunkle, Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Allured, Florence Pike Miss Mitchell, Miss Wieman, Miss Loshe, Mr. Angier

Linchow and China in general, and the peo­ ple. I was delighted to be called upon to teach the English class o f Chinese girls, in the absence o f Mrs. Alltired. This has given me a greater desire than ever to know their language. It will take a long time, but I praise God for the little I do know. I haven’t found it a hard task or a

a story? I didn’t fully describe to you that piece o f jewelry. It is in three parts. One piece is the tongue scraper; one piece is used to scratch the head, pick the teeth and clean the ears, and the other to clean the fingernails. Mrs. Edwards gave us a Chinese feast. There were fifteen o f us. I only wish you

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