King's Business - 1916-05



,ing, beside about ten homes for foreign­ ers, all donated by individuals. Dr. Black- stone’s wife gave one. PERSIAN HORRORS From Urumia, Persia, Joseph Koshaba, a missionary who is supported by Miss Esther Schneider o f, writes under date o f September 10, o f terrible surround­ ings: For the last ten years this part of our country was under the Russian influence, and they had improved us wonderfully. But sihce Turkey joined in the war against Rus­ sia, it made it possible for Russia to" with­ draw her army that was stationed here. On the 15th o f October last, I went to the city to buy some household goods, and while there, the word came out that the Russians' are going to leave ! At first I could not believe it to be true, but after further inquiry, I found if Jo be trüë, and therefore all those o f our people, who had means and were prepared, went along with them; and those o f us who were unfortu­ nate were left behind. Then I tried to get back to the village-in order to save some o f my belongings and my household goods, but I was afraid o f being killed on the way. Because just at noon as the Russians left here, our Mohamiftedan neighbors began looting all the Christian homes and villages, and killing all those who came in contact with them, or any who resisted them. All of us who, Were in the city, fled to our Mission station and got under the American flag. The crowds o f people soon began to, pour in from all over this part o f thé country to the Mission Station. It was a pitiful sight to beRold. Some were coming in wounded, some nearly naked, some were crying because their loved ones were killed, others because their daughters were car­ ried off captives; some who had fled at night through the woods, and stayed there many days and nights without any bread or covering, came in exhausted and with their feet frozen. People o f those villages which were far away from the city, took refuge in the Mohammedan villages nearby.

could have seen your sister eating with chopsticks—I’m crazy to see you do it ! I think their food is good, but few- foreign­ ers are willing to try their dog meat. Would you? Sometimes they eat a dog that has been lean and sick. Honestly, you would think more o f them would die from the things they eat. W e left Linchow for Canton yesterday noon. (W ritinS on the boat). A big crowd o f Linchow friends—at least a hundred o f them—bade us farewell. They all hated to see the Edwardses leave, and they hated to go, for they like Linchow and the people. I don’t blame them a bit —I love them all myself and should liked to have, stayed. I wish I were to be appointed to Linchow. I was honored by about twenty o f the older girls—those whom I had taught—who came down to see me off. It takes three days to make the- trip down with the tide. W e stopped at Yung Shan. Mr. Kunkle’s boat, called “ The Cock-Roach” because a so-called animal was killed on board* lay next to ours. Since last night ours will be called “ The Rat,” because one ran across'our bed, though we did not kill it. The mountain peaks along the river are as numberless as the stars. I am now writing from Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Gunn and-their two children áre here from Manila. He is an architect and is making plans for the new True Light Sem­ inary, for which an Eastern woman has given $50,000. - They hope to start building soon. Yesterday I went up White Cloud Moun­ tain again with the Gunns, Edna and Eliz­ abeth Faris, Mrs. Hoffman and others. The weather here is very much like California— hot by day and cool morning and .evening. The wind here is very strong, so the^houses are built very strong—the floods, hot weather and the ants, are other reasons. I was invited to Mrs. Laird’s home at Canton j Christian College, Thursday. It is a beautiful spot—there are 500 students, with dormitories for all. There is a Y. M. C. A. building and an administration build-

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