King's Business - 1916-05



General Otholenghi, late Minister o f War and newly-made Senator, is the idol o f the army. Senator' Ludovico Mortara has just now become president o f the Court o f Cassation, a position equivalent to that o f the Lord Chief Justice in England. GERMANY “ The 615,000 Jews o f Germany have not. yet been fully emancipated; they are still fighting for equality and the removal of certain disabilities. The prevailing anti­ semitism, with all its nefarious propagan­ da, could not stem the tide o f the onrush- ing progress o f the Jew in Germany. In fact, since the war was started, not only were some leading anti-semitic papers sup­ pressed, but some o f its leaders professed conversion in favor o f the Jew on account o f their loyalty— forsooth! “ German Jews have fully contributed their share towards' that remarkable dis­ play of - efficiency, both military and eco­ nomic, which has astounded the world. In every branch o f the social and political life o f Germany the Jew has left his mark. Karl Marx laid down the scientific founda­ tions o f socialism, and Ferdinand Lassalle founded the German Social Democratic party, and its leaders are up to the present head, Hugo Hasse, all Jews. The head of the Revisionist party is Edward Bernstein, who, on account o f his anti-war view, is an exile in Switzerland. “The secret o f what success there has been up till now in the German armies lies in their wonderful organization o f trans­ portation. To pick up an army o f 500,000 or 1,000,000 and transplant them from one scene o f war to another—the importance o f and the responsibility o f the person in charge is immense. He must not only be most capable, arid with the best possible brain power, but he must be absolutely trusted. And the only man the German Emperor could fin'd was a Jew. T o Herr Arthur Baffin the Kaiser entrusted the gen­ eral management o f all the German rail­ ways, and he is personally in charge o f the transportation o f all the German troops. He has already received the highest grade o f the Iron Cross. This all-important posi-

is a Jew—M. Hymans! The first man to be taken as a hostage by the Germans, when entering Antwerp, was a Rothschild. ITALY “ It was not till 1870 that the Jews were emancipated, and yet they have not only made rapid strides, but the actual impor­ tant positions o f honor and trust occupied by them is amazing. There is practically no Jewish question, at least not for the present. The total Jewish population is 45,000, and they have provided Italy lately with a Prime Minister, Signor Luigi Luz- zatti (1910), who previously served as Minister o f Finance on six occasions. Six­ teen members o f Parliament and fourteen Senators are Jews. The president o f the Council o f State, Signor Malvano, and Baron Sidney Sonnino, Minister o f Foreign Affairs, these two noble Jews, are the best hated men in Germany, because they could see through the tactics o f its special Ambas­ sador, Prince Von Bulow, and nqt only- frustrated, but actually checkmated all his political manceuvers, so that he had to return to Germany wjth his Italian wife, a complete failure, and fell into disfavor with the impetuous Kaiser! , “ For the moment the most conspicuous man in Italy is M. Salvatore Barzilai, whom King Victor Emmanuel appointed as a Cabinet Minister. Mr. Will J. Guard, Rome correspondent o f the New York Sun, July 19, 1915, gives a vivid account o f the new Minister, and o f the enthusiasm prevailing all over Italy. While the Jew is hated and not wanted, Italy is wild with joy over the newly-found hope. He tells u s: ‘Managing to pass the gate to Signor Bar- zjlai’s garden, I succeeded in meeting with him for a few minutes, surrounded by per­ sonal and political friends.. . . The proces­ sion arrived. The streets were packed with people shouting and cheering, while a band played the Garibaldi. It was time for Bar­ zilai to show himself on the balcony. When the new Minister did appear there was a great outburst o f Latin enthusiasm.’ One wonders if this Italian idol did realize that he belongs to a people that are ‘not wanted’ !

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