King's Business - 1916-05



A GREAT CONVENTION Laymen’s Missionary Movement Holds Record Gathering in Los Angeles—Southern California’s Wonderful Lead in Membership and Benevolence By E. GUY TALBOTT, Executive Secretary

HE Los Angeles Convention o f the National Laymeh’s Missionary Move­ ment was held February 27, 28, 29 and March 1, in the Auditorium o f the Bible Institute, the largest downtown auditor­ ium in Los Angeles. The closing session o f the convention, a picture o f which is shown on another page, represented the high water mark in attendance at a men’s missionary meeting. .There were présent 4200 delegates at this closing session o f the greatest men’s convention ever held. There were 5983 paid registered delegates to the convention, and a total registration o f .6,333, including complimentary tickets issued to students and representatives o f women’s missionary organizations. The registration by denominations was as fol­ lows: Methodist Episcopal.......... «...............................2185 Presbyterian _____ ..______ ___ _____880 Baptist .!>— ___ _______ __________ «________ ... 832 Congregational ' — __ ____... 538 Christian _.............___ „.__.....____ .....______ ...... 459 United Presbyterian.,«.....__........___....___......___ 168 Friends J...,....«.;____________ _.__ / .___ 140 Lutheran ........................___ ______’■ 91 Episcopal ................_..........________ ..._. ___ ... 87 Methodist South......:...l..............____ ___ _____ ;__ 83 Nazarene ____________ '................_ 1 _... 78 Reformed Presbyterian....___.......______................. 54 Evangelical Association__ 1 — 1 ___ 29 German Methodist_____________ ____________ 26 United Brethren ...........__ _____ ______________ 21 Brethren __ ___________ ..._________ ..........___ 12 Swedish Methodist...^....:....,.,..;____________ i ____ 5 Mennonite ____________ _____________ _____ _ 5 Christian Science___ ...__ i ________....A......____... 3 Seventh Day Adventist____ ,._____............... ^ 2 Catholic _________ _____________ 2 Mormon ..........._______________ ______.__ ____ 2 . Swedish Baptist _____ ..............________ 2 Universalist __•««..._.._____......._............_ % __ 2 Volunteers a ;..««____..........______ ...___ ..._______ 1 Welsh Presbyterian __ ______.......______________1 Danish and Nor. M. E__.____........_____ l Peniel Mission...«. ... __ ..............___ ____1 1 Free Methodist......................_____ ____ ........___..... 1 Denomination not stated_____ __............ .....76 Students __ ___u__ ___....._____ ..._____ 160 Out of State«__ ....__ ............ ______ . 7 ;...___... 37 Complimentary ............... .!...__ ___________^__iso Women ____.....__......_• /'_;__...._______ __ jsq Ushers ______ _________ .......___________ 50 Total registration.____ __ ] __.......6333 The registration was not so remarkable as the attendance. Even the morning

attendance reached the record-breaking mark o f 3000. The average attendance for its ten sessions was 3500. An intense spirit o f deep consecration was manifested by the delegates as they listened to the soul­ stirring appeals o f the leaders from the mission fields around the world. The program was o f the highest order, marked by the serious' tone o f all the speakers and the lack o f levity. Every­ one seemed to realize that the work} is passing through the most serious crisis o f history. Almost every speaker brought out the great fact that this is the hour o f America’s supreme opportunity, and with the opportunity rests a tremendous respon­ sibility, which the churfches o f this favored country dare not evade. The Christian men o f Southern California,were given a vision o f world conquest in the name o f the Prince o f Peace, The Tuesday evening session was marked by the presence o f 400 Student Volunteers from the colleges and schools o f Southern California. It was an impressive sight to; see the effect, on these young people o f Dr. J. E. Crowther’s eloquent appeal on behalf o f Africa. The program p was filled with . great addresses by noted workers from every denomination. China was represented by the statesmen Bishop James W . Bashford, o f the Methodist Episcopal Church; A. R. Kepler o f the Presbyterians and Dr. M. D. Eubank o f the Baptists. Fred B. Fisher, team leader, and associate secretary o f the Laymen’s Missionary Movement, -ably spoke on “ India’s Silent Revolution.” James P. McNaughton, o f the American Board o f the Congregational Church, told o f the tragic suffering o f the massacred Armenians.- The n eed s'of the homeland were presented by Bishop Edwin H.


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