King's Business - 1916-05

[Note.—This article is a chapter taken from the book “ Christianity and Antichris- tianity in Their Final Conflict,” by Samuel J. Andrews. The entire book is a most remarkable one. It consists of 354 pages. It should be read by every minister. It is one of the very few books of which it can be said, every minister of the Gospel and every teacher should read it. It first gives in detail the teaching of the Scriptures regarding tne Antichrist, taking up first of all the Teachings of the Old Testament, then the Teachings of the Lord, Teachings of the Apostles Collectively, St. Paul and His Teachings, Teachings of St. John, St. Peter and St. Jude, Teaching of the Revelation. The next part of the book is given up to The Falling Away of the Church. The third to Tendencies in Our Day Preparing the Way of the Antichrist, taking up Modern Pantheistic Philosophy, Modern Philosophy and the New Chris­ tianity, Deification of Humanity, lenaencies,‘of Modern Biblical Criticism, Tendencies of Modern Science, Tendencies of Modern Literature, Christian Socialism and the Kingdom of God. The fourth part of the book is given up to The Reign of the Anti­ christ. The chapters on Modern Philosophy and the New Christianity may be difficult reading for one who has not already some knowledge of philosophy, especially German philosophy, but though the subject is difficult the style of the author is very lucid and the chapters well pay reading, even thoughi one must read slowly, and sometimes read several times. The book appeared in 1898, but the author anticipated the devel­ opment in philosophy and scientific theories that have gone on since, and^anticipated in a measure the things of an historical character that we see developing beforse our eyes today. The book was timely when first published, but is more timely now. The Bible Institute Colportage Association of Chicago has brought out an edition of this book 9^x6xlJ^ inches, with 386 pages, beautifully printed on fine paper, in large type, well spaced, and well bound, at the very low price of, $1.50 net. We. hope that the read­ ing of the chapter here given may lead many to purchase and study the book as a whole.] -

or any knowledge o f Him, if He exists; 2. Those who reject some fundamental facts or principles affirmed in the Bible, thus destroying its unity, and undermining the faith o f men in it as the revelation of a Divine purpose and will. J.’ It needs scarcely be said that all criticism o f a' book purporting to be a his­ torical account o f the actings o f God with men from the earliest times, must take its character mainly from the critic’s concep­ tion o f God, and o f His relations to men. If the critic conceives o f Him in the pan­ theistic way, as Absolute Spirit; imper­ sonal, unconscious, without will or pur­ pose, or as the unknowable Force o f the Agnostics, the Bible is on the face o f it incredible. No man can accept it as cred­ ible who does not believe in such a God as it sets forth—One who is in the fullest sense personal, who has made and rules all things according to His will, who has a purpose in human history which He makes

T IS well known that biblical ¡y í criticism has greatly changed iLyyJ) its character within a few years. It .is said by Pflei- of Theology” ) that the year 1835 marked an era, three works then appearing by Vatke, Strauss, and F. C. Baur, so fundamentally differing from earlier works, and showing so. predominently the new Element, that 1“ we are justified in taking from these'the special character o f the biblical criticism o f today.” Let us ask in what consists the special character o f the biblical criticism o f today. W e find it in the attempt to adjust the statements of the Scriptures, doctrinal and historical, to certain new ruling ideas, pantheistic, agnostic, ( evolutionary, scien­ tific; and to reject all that cannot be thus adjusted. W e may divide the critics of whom we, here speak into the two general classes: 1. Those who deny a personal God, ^ __Ü derer ( “ Development

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