King's Business - 1916-05



the Lord will come this year, nor next year, or fdr many years, for we are nowhere told in the Bible how long the last days will last. Will you please state your views in The King’s Business what you believe to be correct in the statement “spirit, soul and body"—i Thess. 5 : 2 3 ? I have always believed we were composed of three parts. I have met some Christians who believe soul and spirit are one, and that we were composed of but two parts. It is the clear teaching o f the Word of God that we have spirit, soul and body, The spirit is that which especially distin­ guishes us from all the rest o f the animal creation. God made man a body out o f the dust, then He breathed His own spirit into him, and as the result o f this union of spirit and body man became a living soul. If you will take your concordance and look up the words “soul” and “spirit” you will find that sometimes in the usage of the word “soul” it' is used o f that which we ordinarily know as the spirit, and some­ times it refers simply to the life; It is very difficult to distinguish at times between soul and spirit. This the W ord o f God suggests in Heb. 4:12. OUR STUDENTS Howard E. Gates, so long president of the “Here Am I (South American) Prayer Band,”, is at present employed on the grounds o f the Old State Normal School and is living in the Institute building. He expects to enter the school soon and com­ plete his two years course, after which he hopes 1 to go to South America. Harry J. Hill, class o f T2, writes from San Anselmo Theological $eminary o f the good work that the group o f former Bible Institute students are now doing in the Seminary. In addition to Mr. Hill, there are Chester White, Tom Caldwell and J. A. Dunlop. Earl Haney has had to drop his work for awhile on account o f illness.

Before either o f these judgments, the Lord Himself 'is to come in the air where His believing people are to be caught up to meet Him (1 Thess. 4:15-17), and these are to be judged, not regarding their sal­ vation, but regarding their reward. Some considerable time after this the Lord is to come to the earth with His saints. As far as we know therl is absolutely no pre­ diction in the New Testament (or the Old Testament) o f anything that must come to pass before the coming o f our Lord in the air. Everything that we are told that must precede that has already taken place, and as far as we know the Lord might come any day. The fact that there are great wars going on at the present time and that there are earthquakes and pesti­ lences is no conclusive proof that the Lord will come' at once (See Matt. 24:6-8, R. V .). Neither is the fact that there are so many false prophets and false christs con­ clusive p foof that He will come immedi­ ately. These things are signs o f His com­ ing, but not necessarily o f His immediate coming (Matt. 24:11-26). The fact that Paul in 2 Tim. 3 :l-6 gives a wonderful description o f the day in which we live, and tells us that these things will charac­ terize the “last days,” does not prove that — ----------O MOVEMENTS OF E DWARD GILLIS, who attended the Institute 1914-15, and who has been in Princeton Seminary since last fall, has just received an appointment as teacher in the English Institute at Santiago, Chile, South America. He expects to reach his field about the first week in April. Dr.' Kate McBurney, o f the Reformed Presbyterian Church Mission in Canton, China, attended the Institute during the Fall and Winter Terms. She sailed for her field in China in April. During her stay in the Institute she addressed the students several times and won a large place in their hearts and in the hearts o f the Faculty.

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