King's Business - 1916-05



Finally: This seed-sowing which has been going on here for the past three and one-half years is bearing fruit each day now, though it took a long time for the scattered seed to find soil that would pro­ duce a visible harvest. W e shall only know the full extent o f the harvest when we are in the “ Glory Land,” where we shall understand why we did not see more o f it while here.

Scarcely a week passes without calls com­ ing by phone and letter from persons hav­ ing friends, sons and relatives in prison, and in each instance heart burdens are poured out, and earnest entreaties made to do something for their loved ones. We are glad to thus minister, and glad, also, that those ministered to are not passively responsive, but in most instances are defi­ nitely interested.

-------- O— ----------- ’ WORK IN THE SHOPS David Gant, Supt.

A ND ,now at last, after much prayer, the door has been opened for us to get into the fire-engine houses, and what a fine bunch o f laddies they are! Worth reaching for Christ surely with their quiet, responsive, appreciative manner, so refresh­ ing in contrast' with some other fields, where the men are listless and indifferent to the story that never grows old, while “ sin still lives unvanquished and death rules the world.” The captains in the various divisions have certainly treated us fine. They called the men together and introduced us as representatives o f _ the Bible Institute. W e were then invited upstairs to their large, scrupulously clean living rooms. Our “ Bilhorn” was soon set up and could you have heard those boys sing it certainly would have gladdened your heart. One o f the boys at last broke in with a request for the talk, so, unfold­ ing our chart, we soon had every eye and ear as the old love story was rung out. They gathered around and individually thanked us. W e distributed some good seed in the way o f tracts, then went our way rejoicing, thanking our gracious Lord that a great door and effectual had been opened unto us. Will you not remember this work, and bear these fine lads on your hearts before Him? Be glad and rejoice with us, also, for our initial meeting in the laundry shops. There were nearly two hundred employees in the one reached last week—bright, prom­

ising young girls and boys, just at the most susceptible age, and all so eager and responsive. The tremendous responsibility makes one fairly tremble. May God fill us with love and compassion and enable us to see the hungry multitudes, even as He saw them in the days o f His flesh. The calls are coming from every direc­ tion in these closing hours. W e cannot begin to respond to all, for alas, there are but twenty-four hours in the day. One came from a broken-hearted w ife; the husband had fallen again into drink, and wouldn’t we please come down and talk with him? W e found him in sUch dire need! The Word was given and prayer offered, and he promised to, stop trying and begin trusting Jesus. The family altar was to be started and we are asking God to send him work. Another call comes from one o f our boys to see his mate. The mate is seen and almost persuaded Christ to receive, but in the rush and roar, as he guides his car along crowded Broadway, the decisive step is postponed to a more convenient season. “ Please come to my house and see me, Sunday,’ and from our hearts we fervently pray that Sunday may indeed be the day when this boy . will in very truth see Him who came to seek and save the lost. Another poor lad, handicapped in the race since his birth; neglected all through the formative years o f his life, through

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