King's Business - 1916-05



The work in the Oil Fields for the past month has been in the territory around the Coalinga Fields. Some thirty-six services were held, one-half o f which were Bible studies—mostly in homes. Two Sunday Schools 'and three preaching places have been kept up. Visits to people in their homes and to the men at their work, has been our daily plan o f campaign. Some fifty persons were spoken to about T HE work o f last month was again a cause for rejoicing in Him, whom we endeavor to exalt, and from whom alone does come the help and strength. In answer to prayer, nearly $200 came in for the much-needed Japanese Bibles, W e must enlarge, and are praying now for a...similar wiork in the big port o f San Francisco. W e need prayer and wisdom that we may not lag behind in the work into which' He thrusts us out, day after day. Hearing1.that a certain ship, was due, we looked up our record o f a former visit to it and found that a man named Brown had made a confession o f faith in Christ at that time. He was rather childish in his ways, and seemed rather weak in his acceptance o f the invitation,.but opr hearts rejoiced to find him still on the ship and really a saved man, trusting in Christ and reading the Bible sent to him by his request. The other men in his department were con­ scious that his life was one o f faith in Christ, and we were happy to have this fresh proof that His Word is truly the power o f God unto salvation to every one that believeth. On that ship, aS on many others, we found it a great help to give the men the little mirrors with a good Scrip­ ture text and reproduction of a scene in the life o f Christ. Brother E. A. K. Hackett kindly gave us a large number in two languages and they found a ready V p l'

personal salvation. Two young men came into the church on confession o f faith. Junior, Intermediate and-Senior Christian Endeavor meetings are held weekly. Tracts have been freely distributed; church attendance has been increased, and in gen­ eral the work is advancing, but the field is full o f people who are indifferent to the claims o f the Gospel, and have no interest, in Jesus Christ—or if they have, they do hot show it. Come,- and God’s word, we know, will not return unto Him void. W e will n ot'forget one scene witnessed on a big liner from the Orient. God gave us such a good entrance and opened hearts to the living Word o f God. The crew con­ sisted of-Japanese, and we were privileged to have the second officer (who is not yet a. Christian) order all work o f making- ready to leave port stopped for a whole hour so as to ;give thè workers ah oppor­ tunity to preach the Gospel. W e had a nice little group who enjoyed the extra hour o f leisure, and listened eagerly to a message by Mr. K. from the Institute, in Japanese. Eleven men confessed Christ as their Saviour and promised to form a class for the reading and study o f the Bible every day. W e found one Japanese Christian tvho preached and read (he Bible to 'his fellow-sailors, but they had only one Bible among the whole crew. W e had the pleasure o f giving a Testament to each man, and cannot but believe that God has a large purpose for those who are now supplied with His Word. Surely, God does lead wonderfully and uses one link after another in his chain o f purpose to make Christ known to those who know Him not. We deem it a real need to ask for prayer for the New Testaments and for those twelve Christians on board that vessel.

------------ --------------O - ---------------^— WORK AT LOS ANGELES HARBOR Oscar Zimmermann, Supt.

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