King's Business - 1916-05



is a net increase o f over 9 per cent, in spite o f the many calls for aid from the war- torn countries o f Europe, and makes 1915 the biggest year in point o f giving in mis­ sion history. The above statement was made by the conference o f foreign mission boards in Garden City, Long Island, January 12 to 14. The statistics for missionary opera­ tions in North America are now prepared by the home basd committee o f the confer­ ence, o f which the chairman is Dr. Fred P. Haggard. The total offerings for reli­ gious, educational and medical missionary work o f the 192 organizations comprising the foreign missions conference amounted to $18,793,990. Besides this, home mission organizations doing what is practically for­ eign work in Mexico, Central America, the Philippines, Cuba, Porto Rico, Alaska and Hawaii, gave an additional sum o f $594,- 260. At the beginning o f the year there was much anxiety on the part of mission board leaders lest the regular giving o f the churches fall o f f ,' because o f straitened financial conditions due to the war. But the returns show that the effect has been the other way. The Baptist and Episco­ palian boards cleared off large debts in addition to carrying on their regular work, and several other denominational boards having smaller debts either canceled them entirely or materially ^reduced them. O f the 192 boards in the conference, eighty- three showed a decided increase for the year. The only backward step was taken by the southern churches, where the price o f cotton is given in explanation. The American Board and the Presbyterian “ U. S. A.” carried on outside their ordinary work a gigantic task in war relief distribu­ tion to Syria, Armenia and similar places. These two boards together acted as agents in forwarding over $1,000,000 for this pur­ pose, much o f it in small sums sent by Syrians in this country to relatives in Asiatic countries. The Presbyterian board at New York reports a total o f $2,262,061 for the year.

Missions in India A summary o f all foreign mission work in India is given below. Total number o f Societies 120, including 39 American, 37 British, 2 Ceylon, 10 Continental, 5 India, 3 International, 6 _Independent, and 12 Indigenous; Number ordained missionaries-------------- — 1,358 Medical Missionaries (115 men, 163 women) ....... -----1----H------- ----- Lay Missionaries (men)...... .............—•— Married women (not doctors)...-.------ 1>279 Unmarried women (not doctors)------ 1,417 Total foreign missionaries------ ------------ - 4,w5 Ordained natives ................-...................... 1,270 Unordained natives, (teachers, preachers, Bible women, etc.)..^----- -----------*----- - 34,084 Total ordained and unordained-------------... 35,354 Principal stations —------- ------------- ■ 783 All other sub-stations..,............—----...------- - 10,217 Church organizations--------- ............-----......— 4,088 Total number professed Christians-------..... Total native Christian adherents...— ---- 1,4/1,727 Sunday schools, 10,872; membership—;...— 422,135 Native contributions in U. S. gold.........$573,454 Educational Work ,Universities and colleges---------------------- 37 Total Students (only 60 females)----------- 4,982 Theological and Normal Schools......-------- 141 Students (male, 2,350; female, 1,237)......... 3,755 Boarding and high schools............................... 576 Pupils (male, 55,937; female, 15,110)------- 77,400 Industrial Training Institutions..----------.... 148 Pupils (male, 5,042; female, 3,925)-- 8,999 Elementary and village schools...-—......... 11,503 Pupils (male, 159,045; female, 76,029)........ 361,726 Kindergartens ................. 27 Pupils (boys, 397; girls, 466).........—.....------- .972 Medical Hospitals ...... .......i..------.......... 170 Dispensaries — - 355 Hospital in-patients in one year........... 61,612 Dispensary treatments (one year)-.1.2,072,537 Outside •patients visited— ...---------— —• 44,020 Total individual patients------ -------------- Is Total treatments ----....----------- ••••------- —3,605,597 Minor surgical operations---------- — 57,506 Major surgical operations— ---- 15,156 Medical schools and classes...... — -— — 26 Students (male, 106; female, 44)............... 150 Schools , and classes for nurses— ------------ 42 Students (male, 13; female, 271)........—.... 316 Philanthropic and Reformatory Ornhanaces ............................ «................... 180 Inmates (boys, 4,761; girls, 7,522).......... 13,400 Leper Hospitals -and Asylums------------------ 59 Inmates (Christians, 2,508)......—.—,.— 4,815 Homes for lepers’ untainted children------- 18 Total inmates (Christians, 339)__......~- 460 Institutions for the Blind and Deaf Mutes 8 Pupils (male, 136; fernale, 204)-----— ,---- 340 Rescue Homes, 8; inmates-------....----------- 360 Homes for Widows, 15; inmates— ---------- 410 Industrial Homes, 19; inmates........... ...... 1,134 Gifts to Foreign Missions Giving to foreign missions throughout the various Protestant missionary organi­ zations o f the United States and Canada has increased this year by $1,625,379. This

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