King's Business - 1916-05



most bitter opposition, we should rather be encouraged by it. v. SO. “But the Jews stirred up (urged on) the devout and honorable women (devout women of honorable .estate), and the chief men of the city, and raised (stir­ red up a) persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them (cast them out) of their coasts (borders).” The wonderful progress o f the W ord o f God awakened fierce opposition and bitter per­ secution. Notable success o f the gospel always awakens opposition and pfersecu- tion o f one sort or another, the devil will not allow the gospel to triumph without a mighty fight (ch. 4:1-3; 5:14-18; 6:8-14). The Jews, like opposers o f God’s W ord in all ages,, took under-handed means to thwart the work. It is to be noted that in this case the Jews stirred up “the best peo­ ple in the town” against Paul and Barna­ bas. “ Good religious people” will often do the devil’s dirty-work. vs. 51, 52. “But they shook off the dust of their feet against them, and came unto Iconium. And the disciples werp filled with joy, and with the Holy Ghost.” It looked as if Paul had suffered a defeat in Antioch of Pisidia, but in the outcome it proved not to be a defeat at all, for the opposition simply (Sent Paul, and Barnabas to other places with their message o f life. And it brought a blessing to the converts in Antioch also, for they were “filled with joy, and with the Holy Ghost.” They had lost their human teacher but had obtained a better one—the great teacher, the Holy 'Spirit. We, can afford to lose any human teacher if God, by way o f compensation, fills us with the Holy Spirit. Not infre­ quently we get so taken ,up with the human teacher that there is no opportunity for us to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Paul and Barnabas obeyed the directions that Christ Himself had given for such an emergency, to the very letter (v. 51; cf. Matt. 10:14). While they left Antioch and went on to other places, they only left temporarily (cf. ch: 14:21, 22). The phrase by which Luke here ‘describes the compensation for the

tiles. He had given this commandment to Paul before he left Jerusalem (ch. 22:17- 21). This commandment was also implied in Old Testament prophecy concerning the .Messiah which -foretold that He was. to be for the Gentiles (cf. Isa- 49:6). In the (Jld Testament as well as the New the world-wide purpose o f salvation was clearly set forth. The finger o f God always pointed “unto the ends o f the earth” (cf. ch-. 1 :8; Matt. 2 8 :1 9 ).'; v. 43. “And when (as) the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and ,glorified the Word of God; and as many as were ordained to eternal life/ believed . The Gentiles were glad o f the opportunity of hearing the W ord o f God which the Jews despised, and in heathen nations today many are hungry for the W ord o f God, while in nominal Christian nations the multitudes are rejecting it. The Gentiles also glorified the W ord o f God which the Jews despised. But not all, even among the Gentiles, received the W ord o f God, only those who were “ ordained to eternal life.” The practical evidence that one is ordained to eternal life is that he believes (cf. John 6:37). The others, who did not believe could have believed it they would (John 7 :17; Rev. 22:17; John S:40), and if they had believed, by that sign they would have proven that they were “ or­ dained to eternal life.” The Jews by put­ ting the W ord o f God from them had judged themselves “unworthy o f -.eternal life” (v. 46), but the Gentiles,'by believing the W ord o f God, had judged themselves “ ordained to eternal life :” so it is clear that what one does with the W ord o f God decides his eternity. v. 49. “And the Word of the Lord was published (spread abroad) throughout all the region .” “ The W ord o f the Herd made great progress in spite o f bitter oppo­ sition. Far and wide into every village and hamlet the W ord was published' (cf. ch. 6:7; 19:19, 20, 26). Oftentimes oppo­ sition does more to spread the gospel than almost anything else can. So instead of being discouraged by opposition, even the

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