King's Business - 1916-05



los» o f Paul and Barnabas, that'come to the young converts in Antioch, is worthy o f thoughtful consideration and meditation, “the disciples were filled with joy.” There were not merely little drops o f joy, or trickling streams, but mighty rivers over­ flowing their banks (cf. Ps. 23:5; John 5 :37-39). They were not only filled with joy, they were “filled with the Holy Ghost;” i. e., the Holy Ghost made His glorious presence felt in every nook and (1 ) The Word of Witness, vs. 13-39. How had the Lord called Paul in Pa­ phos? 13:9-12. Why . did Paul go to the ¡synagogue o f the Jews? Rom. 1:16.- Why did he begin with the exposition of the Old Testament? Luke 24:27. Do alt the Old Testament Scriptures lead to Christ? John 5:39. What was the crux o f the service of Paul? IC o r . 15:3, 4. What is the basis for forgiveness o f sin? 1 Peter 1 :19. What do men need beside forgiveness of sin? John 3 :3 ; Eph. 2:1-5. How are men justified from all things? v. 39; Rom. 3:24; 5:1. Why could not the law justify? Rom. 8:3. What is Christ in relation to the law? Rom. 10:4. ( 2 ) Word of Warning, vs. 40-45. Was there danger to these Jews in reject­ ing the Gospel? Heb. 2:3. What was the great danger? Heb. 3:12. What practical application can you make o f the warning? Heb. 12:25. What is the great question to be answered by Jew and Gentile ? Matt. 22:42. O f what Scripture was the rejoicing of the Jew and Gentile a fulfillment? Matt. 19 30. Is the responsibility greater for those

corner o f their being. Their being filled with joy came from their being filled with the Holy Ghost (Gal. 5:22). There is no joy like the joy o f the Holy Ghost, and persecution and the joy o f the Holy Ghost often go hand in hand (1 Thess. 1:6; 1 Peter 4:14; 2 Cor. 8 :2 ). To be filled with the Holy Ghost is far more than sufficient compensation for anything that we may lose through persecution. Blessed indeed is the privilege o f persecution if with it there comes a filling with the Holy Ghost. who have the greater privileges? Matt. 11 : 21 . What could any city afford to come together to hear? Luke 11:28; John 17:20. What did envy do for Joseph? Gen. 37:11. What did envy do for Jesus? Matt. 27:18. ( 3 ) The Word Welcomed and With- holden, vs. 46-52. How should opposition to truth affect us ? Heb. 11:34. Are hard experiences in the Christian life helpful? Rom. 5:3, 5. Does rejection o f truth bring condemna­ tion? John 5:40 For what does it prepare the sinner? Rom. 9 :22. What .blessing was prepared for the Gen- ,tiles by the Jews’ rejection o f the Gospel? Rom. 9 :25-33. Was this a parallel to the experience o f our Lord? John 1:11; Luke 19:14. Why did the Jews reject the light? John 3:19. Who was the Light o f the world? John 8 : 12 . Who is now the light o f the World? Matt. 5:14; Phil. 2:15, 16. For what should we pray and work? 2 Thess. 3:1. Which is easier, the acceptance or rejec­ tion o f the truth? Luke 4:29. What command did Paul and Barnabas


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