King's Business - 1916-05




Will Anti-Christ be glorified by the wor­ ship o f men? ,Rev. 13:12; 2 Thess. 2:4. Is there a danger in exalting the flesh? 1 Cor, 1:29. What example do the angels give us? Rev. 19:10. What should our exhortation be? Gal. 5:26. ( 4 ) Heroic Faith, vs. 19-22. What scene must have been vivid to Paul as they stoned him? Acts 7:58. What Scripture proved true in his case? Gal. 6:7. . What does Paul speak o f as occurring at this time? 2 Cor. 12:2. When the outward man perishes, what occurs to the inner man ? 2 Cor. 4:16. Who was probably a witness to the ston­ ing o f Paul? Acts 16:1, 2 ; 2 Tim. 3:11. Did this persecution cause Paul to halt in his gospel ministry? Acts 20:24. Are tribulations a part o f the heritage o f the saints? Rom. 8:17; 1 Peter 4:12-16. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) The proof o f a pure Gospel is oppo­ sition, as well as conversion. (2) Foes become friends when opposing the truth. (3J Christ came to cure cripples. (4 ) The natural heart walks and worships by sight. (5) The true messenger o f God gives his Master the glory. (6) Through trials and tribulations we go through the gate to glory. (7) Those who one day praise, may the next day persecute. (8) The man’s heels testified to his heal­ ing. (9) Trials and tribulations are stepping stones to higher service. (10) It is the high privilege o f every believer to leap, and walk, and praise God.

( 1 ) Healing Faith, vs. 8-10. Is the Gospel a divider and a separator' o f peoples and families? Matt. 10:36. What injunction did the apostles carry out ? Matt. 10:23. What does the Gospel become to both Jew and Gentile? 2'Cor. 2:15, 16. What is the carnal mind in both Jew and Gentile? Rom. 8:7. O f whom was thé cripple a type? Psa. 14:1, 3; Jer. 17:9. How did Paul’s speaking arouse faith in the cripple? Rom. 10:17. What was Paul speaking about ? Acts 14:7. Did Paul have a discerning spirit? Luke 5:20. What may Paul have preached about? John 5:1-9; Acts 3:1-11. How had the W ord been applied? John 16:14. Was the healing o f the cripple according to Scripture? Isa. 35:6. What is the difference between healing by Eddyism and by Christ and His apos­ tles? Mark 1:31-42; 2:12; Acts 3:7; 9:34. Is salvation an immediate resultant of faith? John 1:12; 3:14, 15. ( 2 ) Heathen Faith, vs. 11-13. Is the faith o f the heathen founded upon superstition ? Acts 28:6. Was the worship of Peter by Cornelius o f a similar character? Acts 10:25. Was there a measure o f truth in the. say­ ing o f these heathen? Phil. 2:7. Is every miracle to be attributed to super­ natural causes? Acts 2:22; Rev. 13:14; 16:14. What supernatural sign is yet to be given to the whole earth? Isa. 55:13. - ( 3 ) Helpful Faith, vs. 14-18. Was there a temptation to Paul and Barnabas to accept worship? Acts 12:21, 23. Did the Corinthians glorify Paul and Cephas ? 1 Cor. 1:12.

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