King's Business - 1916-05



life which we find in these records o f His words and deeds. The highest form o f faith is not that 'which is founded upon miracles which one sees (cf. ch. 20:29), nor even that which is built upon the testimony o f others, but which comes from hearing (or reading) the words o f Christ and being immediately and directly convinced by the character and substance o f Christ’s own teaching that He is indeed what He claims to be, “the Saviour o f the world.” To this highest form o f faith the Samaritans now came, and they tell the woman frankly that their faith is no longer built upon her testimony, but upon their own direct contact with Jesus. Through this direct contact with Jesus, and because o f their own hearing o f His word, they; were brought to the place where they not only believed but “know” through the response o f their own hearts to His teaching that He not only claimed to be the Saviour of the world, but that He was “truly” or' in “very fact” what He claimed to be. Thursday, May 4 . John 4 : 43 - 49 . Jesus had a hearty welcome and respon­ sive hearing in Samaria, indeed there had been a glorious revival there, but His heart yearned for His own people in Nazareth where He had grown up, and He returned to Galilee., It would have been o f little use to go to them before He had established a reputation elsewhere, for “a prophet hath no. honor in his own country:” human nature is so petty it will not forgive a neighbor for surpassing his fellows until he has been well received elsewhere. But now -that Jesus had demonstrated His, power at the capitol Galilee will listen, indeed Galilee will not only listen but be the great scene o f His victories. The one who came to Him was “ a king’s officer.” Not a likely person to come to Jesus, but his deep need overcame his prejudice^. There is nothing like a sense o f need to drive men to Jesus (Matt. 9:18; 15:22, 17:14, 15; Luke 7:2, 37, 38). Blessed are the afflictions that drive us to Jesus. This king’s officer’s son was very sick, “ at the

earthly harvest, fruit that shall never per­ ish, but that shall endure unto life eternal. What other work is there that a man can do that compares with this? Wednesday, May 3 .. John 4 : 39 - 42 . W e have here an illustration o f the tre­ mendous power o f earnest testimony, even though it be the testimony o f one whose past has been sadly blackened and dishon­ ored by sin. The Greek form o f the word translated “testified” in verse 39 indicates a continuous and persistent testimony. It was while she earnestly and constantly tes­ tified that they believed- In other words, she did not testify once for all and quit, she kept on testifying until her word was effective. There is an important lesson for us in that. The extent o f the Samaritans’ faith up to this time is indicated in verse 40: they had so much faith in Him that they wished Him to continue with them that they might hear more o f His teach­ ing, they were n'ot willing that He should leave them. The attitude o f the Samari­ tans toward our Lord was very different from that o f the Jews, o f them it is never recorded that they besought Him to remain, though it is recorded that they besought Him to depart (Matt. 8:34), and it is/even said o f them in one place that they drove Him out with murderous violence (Luke 4 :29) and they constantly plotted against Him and soiight to destroy Him. It was not the brief stay o f two days which our Lord granted them, that the Samaritans sought, their request was that He should "abide" or continue with them, i. e., make H is' home among them, It has been remarked that “the home o f these grate­ ful Samaritans can still be identified, while Capernaum and Bethsaida (which saw His miracles, but rejected Him) have wholjy disappeared.” What occurred during these two days o f our Lord’s stay with them we are not told, except that He taught them, but the details o f His teachings are not given. This is one o f the many indica­ tions in the Gospel narratives o f how frag­ mentary are the accounts o f our Lord’s

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