14B — October 12 - 25, 2012 — New Jersey — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
Industrial Commercial Real Estate Women of New Jersey www.icrew.org Industrial Commercial Real Estate Women, Inc. w .icrewnj.org
ICREW to offer membership Welcomes New Members, Unveils 2013 Slate of Officers ICREW NJ Discusses Real Estate Trends N ewark, NJ — The state-of-the-market message delivered by
2012 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Cheryl Hardt cheryl.hardt@cbre.com PRESIDENT ELECT AND CREW NETWORK delegate Patricia A. Riedel patricia.riedel@cbre.com
For the present, prices of the different market sectors range from 7% to 30% below earlier peaks but, “transac- tion volume is likely to be normal for the near team,” she said. “In the office sector, prime classAproperties have outperformed others during the recovery. For residential real estate, mortgage debt is still contracting, origination volume is rising, and the mul- tifamily sector is on fire. New construction is skyrocketing for apartments, especially high-end apartments.” Dixon also reflected on her long-time involvement with ICREW NJ and the national CREW network: “It has had a tremendous impact on my success. All of CREW’s ben- efits, from networking, to its scholarship and mentoring programs, to the fact that CREW’s research is the most widely quoted source on wom- en in commercial real estate define this organization.” Next on the evening’s agen- da was the introduction of ICREW NJ’s 2013 slate of officers, as approved by the board of directors and intro- duced by Hardt: • President and CREW Net- work Delegate: Patricia Rie- del, CBRE, Inc. • President-Elect and CREW Network Delegate: Monica Ceres, Giordano Halleran & Ciesla PC •Treasurer: Rebecca Mach- inga, WithumSmith+Brown PC • Recording Secretary: Sta- cey Weinberg, Federal Busi- ness Centers • Director of Membership: Mary Lynn Kearns, Dancker Sellew & Douglas • Director of Programming: Kim Keating, Marsh McLen- nan Agency • Director of Philanthropy: Rachel Brindisi, NAI/Global • Co-directors of Sponsor- ship: Patricia Faulkner, NAI/ Global and Diane Menard, Prestige Title • Director of Special Projects - Golf: Robin Grossman of
Zycus • Director of Special Projects - Website/PR: Susan Karp, Cole Schotz • Advisors: Cheryl Hardt, CBRE, Sheila Nall, KSS Ar- chitects and Silvana Finizio, Carousel Industries ICREW NJ is also com- mitted to its philanthropy efforts. The beneficiary of this month’s meeting was YouthBuild Newark, part of a national network that pro- vides low-income youth with the opportunity to complete secondary school. ICREW NJ members donated school supplies to the local organi- zation. Next on the agenda for ICREW NJ is October’s lun- cheon meeting slated for Oc- tober 18th at the Woodbridge Hilton. ICREW NJ is the New Jersey Chapter of CREW Network (Commercial Real Estate Network), which is dedicated to the advance- ment of women in commer- cial real estate. Membership organizations are comprised of over 8,000 members rep- resenting every discipline within the industry and are located in 76 chapters across North America. CREW Network seeks to influence the success of the commercial real estate indus- try by focusing on fulfilling four key initiatives: busi- ness development, leader- ship development, industry research and career outreach. Members represent fields as diversified as accoun- tants, architects, appraisers, asset/property managers, attorneys, consultants, de- velopers, lenders, leasing and sales brokers, mortgage bankers/brokers, marketing specialists, market and in- vestment analysts, corporate real estate representatives and title/escrow officers. For more information on pro- gramming, sponsorship or membership, please contact ICREWNJ at (609) 585-6871, via email icrewnj@crewnet- work.org or visit the website at www.icrewnj.org. n
a Prudential executive was decidedly mixed, but ICREW NJ’s future was decidedly bright with the welcoming of new members and intro- duction of 2013’s slate of of- ficers. The event was ICREW NJ’s September meeting at Prudential headquarters in Newark, NJ. “This meeting brings to- gether all of the elements that demonstrate the value of membership,” said Cheryl Hardt of CBRE, president of the chapter. “Information, networking and leadership are crucial to success in this industry, and each new con- nection is an opportunity.” “Weareparticularlypleased to welcome new members tonight and thank our host, Prudential for making this location possible.,” Hardt said. “ICREW NJ remains committed to the advance- ment of women in the com- mercial real estate industry. If you are starting out in the business, or want to raise your profile and develop your leadership skills, ICREW is the place to do it.” As to the current state of commercial real estate, “the outlook for the rest of 2012 and 2013 is more of the same weak growth that we saw in the first half of this year,” said Collete English Dixon, principal - transac- tions Prudential Real Estate Investors and co-leader of the firm’s national investment dispositions program. “The reality is that jobs fuel real estate growth, and of the 8.8 million jobs lost nationally as a result of the recession, we have only gained back four million thus far.” Other factors affecting the market’s future include what Dixon termed “the U.S. fiscal cliff which, if it remains unre- solved, could induce another recession in 2013. Also, the global economic environment is a near-term challenge for the U.S., and our real estate recovery could further decel- erate in 2013.”
TREASURER Sefi Silverstein ssilverstein@wgcpas.com RECORDING SECRETARY Rachel M. Brindisi rbrindisi@naiglobal.com DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP Mary Lynn Kearns mkearns@dancker.com DIRECTOR, PROGRAMING
Monica Ceres, Esq. mceres@ghclaw.com Director, Philanthropy Susan Karp skarp@coleschotz.com DIRECTOR, SPONSORSHIP Patricia D. Faulkner pfaulkner@naiglobal.com DIRECTOR, SPONSORSHIP Diane Menard diane.menard@prestigetitle.net DIRECTOR, SPECIAL PROJECTS/GOLF Robin S. Grossman rgros30687@aol.com DIRECTOR, SPECIAL PROJECTS/PR Rebecca Machinga, CPA rmachinga@withum.com ADVISOR & CREW NETWORK DELEGATE Sheila Spriggs Nall snall@kssarchitects.com ADVISOR Silvana Finizio sfinizio@carouselindustries.com
ADVISOR & BYLAWS Annette Murray, CPA amurray@wgcpas.com
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