
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — October 12 - 25, 2012 — 3A


M ID A TLANTIC R EAL E STATE J OURNAL Cass handles three-acre parcel sale AACP honors two High Associates Ltd. properties

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ANC A S T E R , PA — Two High Associ- ates Ltd. Lancaster

apartment communities re- cently were honored by the Apartment Association of Central Pennsylvania ( AACP ). Its Bentley Ridge and Greenfield Estates apart- ment communities received honors in the organization’s 12th Annual Best of Living Awards. Bentley Ridge was honored with a 1st Place for mainte- nance excellence and as a star performer for curb appeal. Bentley Ridge marketing representative AllisonWeav- er was named the Rookie of the Year as an outstanding individual who has served in the multi-family housing in- dustry for one year or less. Greenfield Estates was hon- ored with a 1st Place for curb appeal excellence. High Associates has been participating in the award program for 12 years and has been honored each year, last year accepting the most prestigious award for Man- agement Company of the Year, an award is given to the company that most impresses

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Bentley Ridge

Greenfield Estates

the judges in the areas of company mission, market- ing, maintenance programs, customer service philosophy, community service involve- ment, web site, employee training, and educational commitment. “I could not be more proud of our beautiful apartment communities and our man- agement teams,” said Tina McGinnis , regional manager at High Associates. “These awards represent our ongo- ing dedication to providing quality, enjoyable multifam- ily housing and exceptional

customer service.” The AACP’s mission is to support education and pro- fessionalism within the mul- tifamily housing industry so that its members are success- ful in providing quality rental housing in Central Pennsyl- vania. In other news, Newberry Pines LLC of Mechanicsburg has purchased a three-acre parcel in Newberry Township fromTheWhisler Family from Chicago, IL. Denise Cass of High Associates Ltd. handled the transaction for both the buyer and seller. ■ EXTRADISTRIBUTIONTOTHE Fastest Growing Firms • This issue will print as a pull-out section LISTINGLenders who are active in the New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and DC area • To receive your FREE LISTING , complete and fax coupon below. • Call to reserve editorial space or expert article on the current state of the commercial lending market

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