King's Business - 1968-07

^ ÊÈÊÊÊBSSF T ïïir^ m i« ■ 1 | T TTTTT Í. -LU i ■* ■ J i ï t $ r n M

MT. HERMON FAMILY CONFERENCE— Aug. 1 1 1 7 Mount Hermon, California, near San­ ta Cruz. Speakers: Dr. Lehman Strauss, Dr. John Hunter. Music: Biola Male Quartet. Host: Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland. Conference Director: Mr. Al Sanders. Youth Activities: Rev. Ron Hafer. A beautiful confer­ ence grounds and a spiritual feast.

* t î


can we help plan your August vacation?

THE FIRS FAMILY CONFERENCE— August 25-31 The Firs, Bellingham, Washington. Speakers, music and staff same as at Mt. Hermon. Of special interest to Biola’s many friends in Canada. All conferences are designed with your t and satisfaction in mind.


Dedicated, to the spiritual development of the Christian home r THE KING’S J ¡1 BUSINESS A PUBLICATION OF BIOLA SCHOOLS &COLLEGES, INC. LOUIS T. TALBOT, Chancellor, S. H. SUTHERLAND, President, RAY A. MYERS, Board Chairman JULY, 1968 • VOL. 58, NO. 7 • ESTABLISHED 1910 IN THIS ISSUE ARTICLES PROPHET IN BABYLON — Vance Havner ........................................................10 DEAR STUDENTS OF NYACK MISSIONARY COLLEGE — Judy Thompson 13 LA MIRADA STRANGLER — Larrie Llewellyn ............................................... 14 PEACE BE STILL — J. B. Rowell ....................................................................... 18 ISAAC AND ISHMAEL — Charles L Feinberg ................................................ 21 NO WONDER WE'RE BROKE! — Warner & Swassey.....................................24 THE SHORT ROAD FROM VICTORY TO DEFEAT — Ernest Wyss ...........25 WHAT IS A GOOD BOOK? — Robert L Thomas ......................................... 27 WHEN GOD HATES WORSHIP — David H a in e s .............................................. 29 ADULT EDUCATION AND THE CHURCH — H. Norman Wright ............. 31 I AM A SHUT-IN — Donald Calhound ............................................................32 WHAT BIG FISH SWALLOWED JONAH? — Vera Hutchcroft .................... 35 CHURCH OF THE MONTH — Coy T. Maret ...................................................38 FEATURES MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ......................... 4 CULT’S CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert .............................................................. 8 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot .....................................15 OVER A CUP OF COFFEE — Joyce Landorf ...................................................20 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert .................................................................32 TALKING IT OVER Clyde M. Narramore .....................................................34 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser.................................. ...... 36 CHRISTIAN WORKER’S CLINIC — Chester Larson .......................................37 COVER Photographer for the Northhead Beach Lighthouse is Biola Fellowship member Miss Martha Bonar whose mother went home to be with the Lord December 29, 1966. Miss Bonar states, “Mother was our ‘Lighthouse’ for so many years. This beacon reminds us of her.” 13800 B IO LA AV ENU E, LA M IR A D A , C A L IF O R N IA 90638 x______________________________________________;___

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PAUL SCHWEPKER, Treasurer JAMES BRAMER, Controller CLARK, Circulation Manager JOHN OZMON, Art Director

S. H. SUTHERLAND, Editor AL SANDERS, Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT, Copy Editor BILL EHMANN, Adv. & Production



EDITORIAL BOARD Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L Martha S. Hooker

Feinberg, James 0. Henry,

Bill Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser.

which describes the Moody annuity plan in detail and provides information on important tax benefits.



"The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, S3.00 one year; S I.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES: Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business." ADVERTISING: For information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 13800 Biola Avenue. La Mirada, California 90638. MANUSCRIPTS: "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid in La Mirada, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The Xing's Business, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California 90638.

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JULY, 1968

For the

Some trends in the Protest *a message from the editor* I n t h e F e b r u a r y 1968 McCalls Magazine there appeared a very significant article entitled The View From the Pulpit. It is based upon a questionnaire which apparently was sent quite extensively throughout the United States. An explanatory note states: ''Three thousand Protestant clergymen reveal some star­ tling changes in their feelings about God, prayer, sexual free­ dom, social conformity, and their own role as ministers.” Two conclusions may be arrived in regard to the contents o f this rather extensive article. First, a significant portion o f Protestant clergy find themselves frustrated, disheartened, and disillusioned because they are preaching a social program and their parishion­ ers do not go along with all o f their idealistic notions. Second, there is a great solid core o f ministers, both within the various denominations and without, who find the Gospel quite relevant for today and who evidently believe that the way to a social change is via changed hearts o f individuals. The survey turned up a rather shocking number o f ministers in Protestant pulpits who apparently have no conception at all o f what the Gospel is all about. Instead, they look upon the church as merely a socio-economic society in existence for the purpose o f bringing about race equality, open housing, desegre­ gation, and pacifism (including an end to the idea o f wars and particularly the Viet Nam struggle). They believe that Utopia can be brought into being by having everybody share and share alike and living together as one great happy family. These min­ isters, most o f whom are o f the younger generation, preach such doctrines with zeal that knows no bounds. However, after their messages have been concluded, they see their congregations going back to their customary manner o f life. N o change whatever is taking place in the social structure o f their constituency or o f their communities as a whole. This leads to complete frustra­ tion on their part and many o f them are apparently almost ready to tear out their hair in their vain efforts to change the social structure o f society. Their misguided zeal and misplaced enthusiasm lead one to question whether or not they have actual­ ly ever come to a saving knowledge o f the Lord Jesus Christ themselves. I f they haven’t, it’s certainly understandable why they have gone into these areas o f idealism only to find them­ selves batting their heads against a stone wall in a futile effort to get action on the part o f their hearers. Small wonder that they are preaching their churches empty! Small wonder that so many o f them are ready to give up in despair! They have no Gospel to preach and no solid scriptural authority for what they THE KINO'S BUSINESS

of Enthusiastic Sins [ins

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do preach. This leads to despair on their part and disgust on the part o f those who must listen to them. Perhaps they are to be more pitied than censured. In large measure these liberals are victims o f the so-called theological training that they receive in so many o f the denomi­ national seminaries. The larger denominations are finding them­ selves operating within a rather vicious circle. So many o f the seminaries have gotten away from the training o f students in the great truths o f historic Christianity and the great distinc- tives o f their denominations. As a result, the graduates come out with no virile message. In turn, they preach an emasculated Gospel which in no way inspires younger men to enter the ranks o f the clergy; hence, the decline in the number o f upcoming ministers. Indeed this rate o f decline is so apparent that there is an appreciable amount o f discussion going on about the matter o f uniting seminaries o f different denominations in order to cut down the overhead expense. The enrollment in these seminaries is so low that the cost o f operation is becoming prohibitive. Fifty or seventy-five years ago a much greater proportion o f young men entered the Gospel ministry than we have today. Unbelief in various forms began to creep into many seminaries via the professors; young men were taught to believe their doubts and to doubt their beliefs. They have carried this negativism into the pulpit. Today the Protestant churches are reaping the disastrous results. The majority o f these younger men who an­ swered the questionnaire do not believe in the virgin birth nor do they regard Jesus Christ as divine. This article continues: "The Bible is not only not to be taken literally-less than five percent o f the whole sample said so-but also there is little specific guidance in it for specific problems.” In a very real sense here is the crux o f the whole problem. These theological unbelievers today have no norm, no standard, no final authority on which to base their belief. They select from the Bible that which happens to suit their fancy and preach it with great en­ thusiasm. At the same time, they deny that the Book as a whole has any word o f authority for today. It is indeed tragic that this type o f individual is even allowed in the pulpit to befoul the high and holy calling o f the minister o f Jesus Christ. It is even more tragic that professors o f unbelief should be allowed to occupy positions o f extreme importance in the very fountain­ heads o f our great denominations. It would be wonderful indeed if the laymen o f the churches would rise up in holy wrath and Continued on page A2

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JULY, 1968

Society, P.O. Box 5, Wheaton, Illi­ nois, 60187. The steamship President Taylor ar­ rived in Saigon the middle of May with a large shipment of high protein food. It was assembled through the joint efforts of two corporations, IOWA-LENDS-A-HAND, headed by an Iowa state senator and World Vision International. The shipment includes $37,000 worth of meat sticks prepared, packaged and donated by two major food companies. Iowa state senator John Walsh recen tly toured Vietnam and was favorably impressed by World Vision’s work there. When he returned home he or­ ganized IOWA-LENDS-A-HAND, an organization dedicated to help ing suffering Vietnamese civilians. Inter-Varsity students and staff mem­ bers totaling 150 who spent Easter week in beach evangelism at Fort Lauderdale found that “many of the 8,000 collegians vacationing there were open to the gospel,” according to Pete Hammond, co-ordinator of the project. He commented that each team member had at least one sig­ nificant conversation with a non- Christian. Several had the opportu­ nity to lead others to Jesus Christ. There were more than 40 decision cards. TH E TA STE OF N EW W IN E , by Keith Miller, has now passed the quarter- million mark in sales. It was pub­ lished in 1966 by Word Books. THE TASTE OF NEW WINE is a deep­ ly personal account of Keith Miller’s own struggle to come to grips with a meaningful Christian life in the context of modern society. Miller is completing work on his Ph.D. in Psychological Counseling at the Uni­ versity of Texas. Rev. Harold B. Pretlove, executive sec­ retary of the American Board of Missions to the Jews since 1953, has announced plans for immediate re­ tirement because of ill health. His fifteen years of administration have seen continual growth for the Mis­ sion, which has an annual budget of more than one million dollars a year. ABMJ was founded in 1894. The Western R e l i g i o u s Broadcasters conducted the first workshop of its kind on the West Coast June 17-22 on the Biola College Campus in La Mirada, California. This week of training was open to students, pas­ tors and laymen. It was designed to give participants a general view of the essential facets of Christian radio. World Vision International's th re e “ Festivals of Missions” this summer are being held at Forest Home, Cali­ fornia, June 30-July 6, at Ocean

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The Seventeenth International Con­ ference of CHILD EVANGELISM FELLOWSHIP INC. convened May 6-10 at the First Baptist Church of Fort Collins, Colorado for the Seven­ teenth International Conference with M . R. Siemens, D.D., host pastor. Rev. Fred Renieh, director of Mis­ sionary Internship, F a rm in g to n , Michigan, was the daily Bible hour speaker. Dr. Theodore Epp, director of Back to the Bible Broadcast, Lincoln, Nebraska presented the concluding message. CHILD EVANGELISM FELLOW­ SHIP was founded in the 30’s by Rev. J. Irvin Overholtzer. Today some 600 directors now guide the work in cities and counties in each of the United States. There are 170 workers in other lands. The home office is located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. El Camino Real tells the story of life along the King’s Highway — the route over which the New World’s riches were carried from Argentina to Lima, Peru, and shipped to the Old World. The men whom God has called to be the leaders of the church in Northwest Argentina are among the people who live along the King’s Highway. One of these -men, Odon Ramos, spent his youth as a shepherd high in the Andes. When he heard about Christ, he left his remote home to attend Bible school in the city. He plans to return to his people with the gospel of Christ. Ramos’ story, and that of other Bible school stu­ dents, is in this motion picture which was filmed entirely on location in the Andean foothills of Northwestern Argentina. One 25-minute film was

••• a Bible college where every student majors in Bible while enjoying a well-ordered and disciplined campus life in the realm of the physical, spiritual, academic and cultural. For information write: The P re siden t


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Grove, New Jersey, July 24-27 and at Maranatha Conference, Muske- gan, Michigan, August 26-September 2. The theme is “ Bringing the World Mission to Christians.” The conferences include a Bible Hour taught by Dr. Richard C. Halver­ son, acting president of World Vision International, pastor of the Fourth Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C. and executive director of Inter­ national Christian Leadership. Vari­ ous members of the World Vision staff are included in the conferences. Approximately 100,000 persons heard evangelist Billy Graham in the final meeting of the Sydney, Australia Crusade 1968 that closed (April 28) in the Sydney Showground. An esti­ mated 15,000 person overflowed the

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Showground onto the nearby Sydney Cricket Ground. During this years nine-day evangelistic effort 417,000 persons attended, with 22,420 per­ sons responding to the evangelist’s challenge to follow Christ. The Los Angeles Baptist College and Theological Seminary held its an­ nual commencement ex ercises on Saturday, May 18, in the Bross Gymnasium. Speaker for this event was the Rev. Kenneth K. Elgena, pastor of South Baptist Church of Flint, Michigan. He has served as a mem­ ber of the Council of Reference for Los Angeles Baptist College for sev­ eral years. Graduates include 25 from the College with the B.A. de­ gree, six from the Theological Semi­ nary with the B.D. degree, and one from the Seminary with the M.R.E. degree. Baker Book House of Grand Rapids, Michigan has purchased the W. A. Wilde Company of Boston, Massa­ chusetts, receiving the entire inven­ tory and rights of the book publish­ ing division of the Boston firm. This announcement was made by Herman Baker, president of Baker Book House, and Alfred A. Wilde, president of the W. A. Wilde Company. Both firms publish religious books and have sales outlets in the United States and other English speaking countries. The entire book inventory of the W. A. Wilde Company will be moved to Baker Book House in Grand Rapids.

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JULY, 1968

deJ /ile


a /r m


by Betty Bruechert


(Uould you explain

B U L L I K J G C T M S M ? M a n y requests for information on Bullingerism, or Ultra-Dis- pensationalism, have reached this desk. In this brief space it is almost impossible to discuss such an intri­ cate system as this. I consider the best condensed treatment of this sub­ ject to be a booklet published by Loi- zeaux Brothers, Inc., 19 West 21st St., New York 10, N.Y. entitled, “ Wrongly Dividing the Word of Truth," by H. A. Ironside, one of the foremost Bible scholars the Lord ever gave the church of Christ. With the kind permission of the publishers of this booklet, I quote the following excerpts, with the urgent recommen­ dations that interested readers secure the booklet for themselves and read it carefully. “ . . . What are the outstanding ten­ ets of Bullingerism and its kindred systems? . . . There are perhaps six positions taken by these teachers: “ First, inasmuch as our Lord Jesus was ‘a minister of the circumcision to confirm the promises made to the fathers,’ it is insisted that the four Gospels are entirely Jewish and have no real message for the Church, the Body of Christ. . . . “ Secondly, it is maintained that the book of Acts covers a transition period between the dispensation of the law and the dispensation of the mystery; that is, that in the book of Acts we do not have the Church, the Body of Christ, but that the word ekklesia (church or assembly), as used in that book, refers to a differ­ ent Church altogether to that of Paul’s prison epistles. This earlier Church (according to Bullingerism) is simply an aspect of the kingdom and is not the same as the Body of Christ! “ Third, it is contended that Paul did not receive his special revelation of the mystery of the Body until his imprisonment in Rome, and that his prison epistles alone reveal this truth, and are, strictly speaking, the only portion of the Scriptures given to members of the Body. All of the oth­ er epistles of Paul, save those written during his imprisonment and the gen- THE KINO'S BUSINESS

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era! epistles, are relegated to the ear­ lier dispensation of the book of Acts, and have no permanent value for us, but were for the instruction of the so-called Jewish church of that time. “ Fourth, the entire book of Reve­ lation has to do with the coming age and has no reference to the Church today. . . . These seven churches (of Asia Minor) will appear on the earth as Jewish churches in the Great Trib­ ulation. “ Fifth, the Body of Christ is alto­ gether a different company . . . from the Bride of the Lamb. . . . "Sixth, the Christian ordinances . . . have no real connection with the present economy, and therefore, are relegated to the past, and may again have a place in the future Great Trib­ ulation. “ . . . There are many other un- scriptural things which are advocat­ ed by various disciples who began with these views and have been rap­ idly throwing overboard other Scrip­ tural teachings. Many Bullingerites boldly advocate the sleep of the soul between death and resurrection, the annihilation of the wicked, or . . . universal salvation of all men and demons, the denial of the eternal Sonship of the Lord Jesus Christ, and . . . the personality of the Holy Spirit. All of these evil doctrines find congenial soil in Bullingerism. Once men take up with this system there is no telling how far they will go, and what their final position will be in regard to the great fundamental truths of Christianity. . . . Having had most intimate acquaintance with Bullingerism as taught by many for the last forty years, I have no hesi­ tation in saying that its fruits are evil. It has produced a tremendous crop of h eresies throughout the length and breadth of this and other lands; it has divided Christians and wrecked churches and assemblies without number; it has lifted up its votaries in intellectual and spiritual pride to an appalling extent, so that they look with supreme contempt up­ on Christians who do not accept their peculiar views; and in most instances where it has been long tolerated, it has absolutely throttled Gospel effort at home and sown discord on mission­ ary fields abroad. So true are these things of this system that I have no hesitancy in saying it is an absolute­ ly Satanic perversion of the truth.” Needless to say, we are in full agreement with Dr. Ironside. The Lord’s people should study the Word that they may be able to withstand proponents of this “ off-beat” system, which has brought true, Scriptural dispensational teaching into disre­ pute.

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JULY, 1968


terpiece, the counterfeit of the New Jerusalem that comes down from above. There are two cities in Revelation. Man is building his Babylon by education, legislation, reformation. Henry Drummond said: “ Any city is the New Jeru­ salem if we but make it so.” “Behold the dream! It can­ not be A false report the prophets see; They grasp the starry dim surmise Because they see with clearer eyes The Holy City coming down, A cleaner, better Every- town!” But the Holy City does not come that way. Babylon is built from below. God works from above, whether in the new birth or the Spirit of the wisdom He imparts. We are living in Baby­ lon right now, the last chapter of the drama started at Babel and

Babylon became one of the most fabulous cities of all time and the mother of pagan religion that persists to this day. Its mystery cults have permeated this world in changing variations from the gods of Egypt, Greece and Rome into paganism mixed with Chris­ tianity glaringly evident (espe­ cially at Christmas and Easter) unto this hour. Babylon is not a memory out of antiquity; it is a present world order. We live in the middle of it and the worst is yet to come. John on Patmos saw a vision of a harlot riding a scar- let-colored beast. They represent the final Babylon, ecclesiastical and political, the final amalgama­ tion of collectivized humanity-into a world church and world state under Antichrist. The harlot is Satan’s counterfeit of the church, the bride of Christ. Recently a magazine carried a lengthy arti­ cle on the Coming Church. I thanked God that I won’t be here when it comes. Political Babylon is Satan’s imitation o f the King­ dom of God, man’s last civic mas­

h U a a c e ^ M a < j a e > o O l d n a m e s are sometimes giv­ en to new places. 0. Henry called New York “Bagdad On The Subway.” A book about Calvin Coolidge was titled “ Puritan In Babylon.” Coolidge was some­ thing of a Puritan and Washing­ ton is not unlike Babylon. The name of Babylon runs through the Bible from Genesis to Revela­ tion. The story of Babylon from start to finish (and we haven’t reached the finish yet) is one of the most amazing records in the annals of mankind. It starts with Babel where men tried to build a tower to heaven. The history of mankind is wrapped in three “Let us” passages in Genesis. God said, “ Let us make man in our own image.” Man said, “Let us build us a city and a tower and let us make us a name.” Then God said, “Let us go down and there con­ found their language.” That is history in a nutshell!



passing through this world and should bless it in our transit but never yoke ourselves to its af­ fairs.” Matthew Henry said, “ This world is our passage and not our portion.” One thinks of Uncle Bud Robinson, the Holiness preacher, who was shown the wonders of New York by some o f his friends. That night as he prayed he said, “ Thank you, Lord, for letting me see New York. And most of all I thank you that I didn’t see anything that I want­ ed !” Blessed is the man who can sit as loosely as that toward Babylon! The recent New York World’s Fair carried an imposing Futura­ ma put on by General Motors. I am more interested in the Futura­ ma John saw on Patmos. The early Christians were strangers in Babylon. We are not moving the world today because we have become citizens of Babylon, ac­ cepting its standards, joining its societies, promoting its programs, trying to build the New Jerusa­ lem down here instead of looking for the pearly White City that's soon coming down. Dr. Roy Smith says that the early Christians “ never seemed to worry about whether they were making a good impression on the newspapers, the Chambers of Commerce, the labor federations, the philosophi­ cal departments o f the universi­ ties or the secret service o f the Roman government.” All of that has changed today and even in evangelical circles the new angle is to get chummy with Sodom and Gomorrah, play up to Rome and hobnob with Babylon. This policy is not working at all as slumping church statistics prove but the new school seems determined to go ahead with it anyway. There was a prophet o f God named Daniel who lived in Baby­ lon a long time ago and set a standard of conduct for all time. Modem prophets with their new techniques do not sound like Daniel. If one is to be popular in Babylon today, he must learn how to talk out of both sides of his mouth, work both sides o f the 11

which will culminate in the 666 which Dr. Torrance says is “ the number o f so-ca lled Christian civilization without Jesus Christ, the number o f every attempt to organize the world in a form that appears marvelously Christian but is in reality anti-Christian.” We see this process going on be­ fore our eyes today, as men try to superimpose a counterfeit king­ dom of heaven on an unregener­ ate society. But Christians are strangers in Babylon and should have no part in it. To quote Dr. Torrance a g a in : “A Christian may be a citizen of no earthly Babylon. He is a citizen of heav­ en and belongs to a new heaven and earth, the city of God. As a member of the kingdom of God he may be regarded as an alien in Babylon and will constantly be subjected to persecution and en­ mity but that is the tribulation of the saints and the patience of the children o f God.” Spurgeon said: “ I am a for­ eigner even in England and as such I mean to act. We are simply

quite at home in the feast of Bel­ shazzar. He might even have a fling at the Watusi himself! Thank God, at the original feast of Belshazzar, the Queen could say, “ There is a man,” a man who knows what time it is and who can read what God is writing. I am glad that Daniel didn’t get up at the feast, scared half to death, and say, “ I can’t read the handwriting.” Too many prophets in too many pulpits today cannot decipher the heavenly hierogly­ phics. Others try to cheer every­ body up by saying there is no special significance to the signs of the times. I am glad that Daniel didn’t read something else. They wouldn’t have known the difference! There are modern prophets who read out of God’s revelation what never was in it and the average American is so ignorant of God’s Word that he doesn ’ t know the difference either. I am glad that Daniel didn’t read just part o f the mes­ sage. There are prophets in Baby­ lon today who are afraid of the truth, the whole truth and noth­ ing but the truth. God had a man who could read it, read it all and read it right. I know that Daniel is not popular today in some cir­ cles. The Interpreter’s Bible Dic­ tionary says he ought to cure us all of predicting the future since he tried and failed. I know that we have been misled by those who make Daniel’s fourth world-power to be Greece instead of Rome and who can see no farther than An- tiochus Epiphanes. But my Lord said, “Whoso readeth [Daniel] let him understand” and read Daniel we will and make our way through the Babylon of Revela­ tion 17 and 18 until Babylon is no more and then join the in­ numerable multitude in Revela­ tion 19 singing, “ Alleluia, for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth” ! God grant us prophets in Baby­ lon who will decline the table of Nebuchadnezzar, disregard the decrees of Darius and stand at the feast of Belshazzar and read to this frightened generation what God is writing on the wall! THE KING'S BUSINESS

a sedative. Morning found him down at the lion’s den, leaning over the rail, crying with choked- up voice, “ 0 Daniel, is thy God able to deliver thee?” We need men of God who can pray them­ selves into lions’ dens and then answer this world of troubled in­ somniacs: “ Yes, my God is able; able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day; able to do exceeding abun­ dantly above all that we can ask or think; able to make all grace to abound; able to succor them that are tempted; able to save to the uttermost; able to keep us from falling; able to subdue all things unto H imself.” Who’s afraid of the decree of Darius with a God like that? There was another test, THE FEAST OF BELSHAZZAR with its REVELRY, REVELATION and RETRIBUTION. America is on a national drunken frolic all the way from beatniks in Podunk to bigwigs in Washington but where is there a Daniel in all this Babylon to read God’s handwrit­ ing on the wall? Time was when a prophet could say: “Many would unite church and stage, cards and prayer, dancing and sacraments. If we are powerless to stem this torrent, we can at least warn men of its existence and entreat them to stay out of it.” But the prophet was Spur­ geon and that was a long time ago! Time was when another proph­ et lamented that churches had been turned into play-houses and that there was hardly a carnal amusement from billiards to danc­ ing which did not find a nesting place in Christian sanctuaries. “ Is it then Pharasaism or pessi­ mism” he asked, “ to sound the note of alarm or to predict that the close of this decade may see the Protestant church as com­ pletely assimilated to 19th-Cen­ tury secularism as the Roman Catholic church was assimilated to 4th-Century paganism?” But he was A. J. Gordon who lived be­ fore the New School came along. A modern Daniel in Babylon is

street and become an expert in the art of almost saying some­ thing. Of course John the Baptist told King Herod off but he wasn’t up on communication, dialogue and public r e la t io n s ! Modern prophets are more likely to be guests in Herod’s palace than prisoners in Herod’s jail. Certain­ ly no one would think of calling him a fox as our Lord did. How should a prophet conduct himself in Babylon? How did Daniel do it? He faced THREE TESTS. First, there was THE TABLE OF NEBUCHADNEZ­ ZAR. “You are what you eat” spiritually as well as physically. Nebuchadnezzar’s table takes new forms today. For instance, too many church members sit in front of late, late television, gorging themselves from Babylon’s fare and then wonder why they have no appetite for God’s Word on Sunday. Jim Elliott, that prom­ ising young missionary martyred in Ecuador, tells in his diary of watching television in the home of a friend. God spoke to him in r ep ro o f w ith Psalm 119:37: “ Turn away mine eyes from be­ holding vanity.” He goes on to speak of “ the decentralizing ef­ fect on the mind and affections. It quickens me in ways not o f God, defeating the purpose of prayer to be quickened in ways Divine.” You cannot grow a Daniel at the tables o f Nebuchad­ nezzar. We must get back to the simple fare of the Word of God. There was also the DECREE OF DARIUS. The devil aimed first at Daniel’s diet, then his devotions. His adversaries ganged up on him, but he went ahead with his prayer life “ AS HE DID AFORETIME.” The devil is in constant conspiracy against a preacher who really prays for it has been said that “what a min­ ister is in his prayer closet is what he IS, no more, no less.” The man who prays like Daniel may end up in a lion’s den but it is worth it. After all, God “mil- lennialized” the lions and it was not Daniel who had insomnia that night! It was Darius who needed 12

EDITOR’S NOTE: On January 30, the Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Thompson, along with four other co-workers of the Christian and Missionary Alliance staff in Viet Nam, were martyred for the cause of Christ. Their daughter, Judith, is studying at Nyack Missionary Col­ lege. She penned this open letter sharing with friends the triumph to be found only in the Lord Jesus Christ. We share it with our readers through the courtesy of THE ALLIANCE WITNESS.

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JULY, 1968

EDITOR’S NOTE On March 3,1968 Dana Llewel­ lyn was murdered. As yet,•police have not■been able to locate her strangler. The local newspaper, however, carried the following open letter to her attacker. Be­ cause it is such a powerful pro­ nouncement, we felt it should be shared with our KING’S BUSI­ NESS readers. It is printed through the courtesy of the La Mirada Lamplighter, Mr. Dick Hurley, editor.

Investigators Continue toTrack La Mirada Strangler !

Two “good leads” in the Dana Llewellyn murder case fizzled out here over the weekend and the four-man team of investigators were on another one late Tuesday, homicide officers told the Lamp­ lighter. “We thought we had something twice on the weekend, but they just didn’t work out,” a high-rank­ ing officer said, “ and now we’re on another one.” Meanwhile, investigators will continue to follow up any leads they can get, it was noted. If any­ one has anything he thinks might be important, call the Lamplighter or the sheriff’s department and the information will be forwarded to investigators. Funeral services were held last Wednesday afternoon for the 17-year-old La Mirada High School student who was discovered by her parents strangled to death at home on March 3.

holding each other’s hand. They seemed so old and withered from the hardships of the years. Dad wouldreachover andpat mother’s arm reassuringly every once in a while. The church was filled to over­ flowing with people. I never real­ ized she had so many friends. I wish you were there to see the almost unending procession file by the coffin for the last look at their loved one. A young boy with too much sorrow on his face for his age leaned over and placed a carnation in the lifeless hands of my sister. Then it came our turn to say good bye to Dana for the last time. My mother reached down and straightened a strand of her daughter’s long hair as a tear ran down her face. Dad patted her cheek and said, “We will be with you soon, Dana.” As I stood over the pretty girl who was once so full of life but now so deathly still I thought of you and decided to write you this letter. Yes, I wish you were there. Signed: A brother who loved his little sister, L a r r i e L l e w e l l y n Q b ]

or? No, I suppose you didn’t. You probably didn’t think of her as a person who had likes and dis­ likes, hopes and fears just like you and me. Otherwise you wouldn’t have been able to have done such a horrible thing like this. I wish you were there the day she was bom; I came rushing home from school to see my new­ born sister. Mother was on the bed with Dana in her arms. The first thing I noticed was the pride and joy in mother’s eyes. Oh, what a happy day that was. When she was a teenager she used to spend weekends at my house near the beach, and at the crack of dawn she would be out surfing in the ocean. She was just beginning to learn what life was all about when the end came. She hadn’t even experienced her first love. I wish you were at the funeral. It was so beautiful, with flowers covering the whole front of the church, and the smell of fresh rain outside as if heaven itself was crying for Dana. I wish you could have sat be­ side me and looked over at my mother and father sitting there so humble in front of the coffin

I wish you were there when my mother found her lying on the floor, and could have seen the shock and heartbreak on her face . . . the way her hands shook as she untied the stocking from around my sister’s neck and tried so hard to revive the little body with mouth-to-mouth resuscita­ tion. I wish you were there after the initial shock wore off and my father with broken heart and head bent low telephoned family and friends to tell them that he had lost his beloved little daugh­ ter. Oh, if you had only known how much he loved her and could have seen the sorrow in his face. I wish you could have been sit­ ting in the living room as the family and friends gathered there from all over the country. The silence in that room was only broken by an occasional sob or the clatter of a coffee cup as we tried to numb our senses. I wish you could have been with us when we went to the mortuary to make arrangements and pick out the casket. We chose a pretty pink casket. Did you know that was her favorite col­



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