December 2021 Oracle

Recently Facebook changed its name to Meta as a nod to an immersive next - generation version of the internet. Before that, Kanye West legally changed his name to Ye for personal reasons. And before that... (drumroll please) the ORPS ukulele group changed its name to The Ukulele Crew of ORPS for entertainment reasons. Last season eight players practiced outdoors twice a week during Covid. Performances were canceled, but a golf cart concert in Febru- ary gave The Crew a chance to put on a show and introduce their new moniker. The Crew is slowly coming back and new music, new instruments and new solos will elevate The Crew ’ s musicality. That ’ s entertainment! The Crew is looking for new members. Practices are every Saturday starting with the beginner session at 1:00 - 1:55p.m. This is very basic play. Following the beginners, players of all levels meet at 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Beginners should attend this session also, as it speeds up learning. The Crew meets in the La Palma Clubhouse East Room. There are also Wednesday practices in the East Room for all player levels with emphasis on practicing a play list for this season ’ s performances. New or returning players need to bring their ukulele, music stand, chip clips to anchor their music, last season ’ s songs, songs recently emailed to them for printing, holiday songs and the original ukulele book. Anyone needing music can purchase copies at practice. The Ukulele Crew Holiday Show is Saturday, December 4. Check the Daily Planner from the Lifestyle Office for the time and location. Proof of vaccination with a vaccine card or cell phone app is required to attend the ukulele practices, which are held indoors. Once a card has been shown, at the door, it does not have to be shown again. Currently ORPS management has face mask requirements posted at clubhouse entrances. Please follow those posted rules for masking.

Welcome back everyone! An especially warm welcome to our Canadian Owners. We missed you last season. As is typical for this time of year, the A&A team is already very busy processing new Permit requests. During the off - season, the A & A Committee was very active reviewing and approving Permits as well as revising the A&A Rules. The new Rules were approved by the Board of Directors on October 18, 2021. If you are planning on doing any Lot modifications, please familiarize yourselves with the new Rules. A link to them can be found on the page in the Messages popup once you login. Remember Permits are required for all Lot improvements and repairs including, without limitation, the construction, installation, alteration, removal, or remodeling of any walls, privacy screens, fences, landscaping, golf ball screens/netting, antennas, utility lines structures, installations, and improvements of any kind. For repairs to lot lights, fifth wheel enclosures and stairs, and for the removal of landscaping materials and hedges, a No Fee Permit will be issued. For all other improvements, you must submit a Permit Application and pay a $25 fee. NO WORK CAN START PRIOR TO A & A COMMIT- TEE APPROVAL OF YOUR PERMIT . If unpermitted work is done, Owners could be subject to fines and possibly removal of this unpermitted work. So, if you are considering doing some work to your Lot and uncertain about whether it requires a Permit, please contact Julia, our Compliance Officer, for assistance with your Permit application or to request a consultation with members of the A&A Committee. Approved Permits must be posted on your Washingtonian palm tree at the front of your Lot until the work has received a final inspection. This is also a reminder that all Lots for sale within the Resort must undergo an inspection prior to the final sale. In addition, prior to the purchase and sale of an RV that is intended to stay within the Resort, an inspection is required. Please notify Julia in Compliance if you are intending to sell your Lot or your RV. If you have time on your hands and are interested in helping Owners improve their Lots and maintaining the beauty and architectural standards in the Resort, please consider joining us as a Committee member. We are interested in anyone who has general or specific experience in construction methods, engineering, plumbing, electrical, safety standards, process controls or administration. If you have these or similar qualifications, please consider applying to become a member of the A&A Committee. Finally, the A&A Committee welcomes suggestions and ideas from you, the Owners. Please feel free to contact us. Looking forward to seeing all your Improvement ideas this season and your continuing efforts to keep our Resort the beautiful place we all love.

For additional information, contact Marilyn Sabens, Lot 363: 909 - 754 - 7492

Kathy McCune A&A Chair




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