2024 Talking Rock Digital Golf Program


Please keep up with the group in front of you. We expect groups of four to play in no more than 4 hours when teeing off in a prime time (first tee time until 2:00 pm). If you would like to play more casually and at a slower pace, please play after 2:00 pm and let faster groups play through. Pace of Play: •All groups are required to play 18 holes in no more than four (4) hours. •The golf professional staff will be present on the golf course to ensure all groups are in position. •If the tee sheet allows, slower groups should allow those playing faster to play through. If every tee time is filled slower groups are not required to let faster groups play through as long as they are on a Four (4) Hours or less pace. • Out of Position – A group is considered out of position by how much time it is taking them to play a number of holes or if they have an open hole in front of them and a group waiting behind them.

Play Ready Golf to avoid being relocated. Below are some helpful tips: Play from a tee box yardage that suits you and your guest(s) playing ability.

When walking: All players in the group should walk to their balls separately and choose their club and go through their pre-shot routine while the player farthest from the hole is hitting so that you are ready to hit when it is your turn. When driving a cart: Drive out to the player in the cart’s ball who is furthest away, let them choose a club and then drive to the closer ball and go through your routine while the farther away players are hitting so you are ready to hit when it’s your turn. Please do not “caravan” from ball to ball. When on the tee: Figure out “money games” on the range not the first tee. If the player who has the honor is not ready to hit another player should tee off. Please keep conversations on the tee to a minimum. When looking for a ball: USGA Rules of Golf search limit is 3 minutes. One person help look while the other two hit their shots. Once they have hit their shots and arrive to help look the third person should hit their shot to ensure that all players have already once the ball is found.


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