King's Business - 1914-02



and all sorts of things, till one o f them looked up and said, ‘Papa, where are the dolls ?’ I said, ‘My child, I am so forgetful and Sorry. You go down to the village store, and buy the biggest dolls you can find, and I. will gladly pay for them.’ But they were very sorrowful, and began to cry. The smaller climbed up into his arms, and said, ‘Oh, papa, I would rather have you than all the dolls in Boston!’ ” And Dr. Gordon said, “ I felt then I would like to give her all the dolls in Boston. Anybody who just wants me can have all my dolls!” God is “ a re­ warder of them that diligently seek H im .” ' The third thing is the Effect o f it. What effect did all this unveiling of the glory have upon these disciples? First, it terrified them, “ they were sore afraid.” It is a very strong word. It is the word used in Hebrews 12, “ Moses said, I exceedingly fear and quake.” That “ exceeding fear” is this word. They were terrified by the glory It was beyond anything they have ever seen or that they had ever expected, and they trembled with fright. More fear than faith! And if we could have what we are praying for Sometimes, a real manifestation of the glory of Christ in all His fulness, it would scare us half to death! If God should just answer the prayer, it might fill us with a sort of holy terror. . Second, it stupefied them. They .went to sleep—a very queer thing to do when you are frightened, but there was such an overwhelming sense of the rqajesty, the glory was so tran­ scendent, that their senses were be- number .and they fell asleep. Sleep is life dormant—lift at its lowest. When Christians go -to sleep, whether at Montrose or at home, whether on the mountain top or somewhere else, whatever be the cause of the slumber, they are no good. Sometimes in the midst of a Transfiguration experience,

seek H im ,” Not His, not the gifts, but the Giver; not the love, but the lover ; not the sanctification, but the Sanctifier. Seek H im , and when you seek Him He will give you all. “He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek H im ,” and the man that simply wants Him can have all His gifts. Dr. Cuyler, of Brooklyn, said that he “heard a nervous tap at his study door when he was preparing a sermon that was belated for the next Sunday morning, and he had no time to spare for anybody. He said rather petulant­ ly, “ Come in !” and his little daughter, four or five years o ld ,.came shyly through the door. He said, “ My dear,. I am very busy; what do you want?” “ Oh, papa, 1 only wanted to be with you !” He put his manuscript aside, and took the dear little child on his lap, and said,:“ God bless you. Any­ body who just wants to be with me can just have me; and he can have my dme, and my sermon preparation, if he wants!” And he sat there and en­ joyed her, and she enjoyed him. If you just want to be with God, if your heart just yearns for God, you can get all God can give. Dr. A. J. Gordon said he was spend­ ing the summer near Boston. He said to his two little girls, as he started to the city one morning, “When I return I will bring you a doll apiece.” And they were looking for the dolls! They had invited the children of the neigh­ borhood to come in for a doll party. They knew the train on which their father would return'. I heard Dr. Gor­ don say, “ As the train came up to the station, I looked through the window, and saw my two girls sitting in the carriage, waiting for me; and that was the first time I had thought of the dolls since I made the promise! I would have paid the expense of a jour­ ney back to Boston, but.I had to meet them. I took up the reins, and whipped up the horses all too hard, and began to talk about the weather

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