Him. Peter and John confessed Him before the Sanhedrim at the risk of life. Paul con fessed Him before the rulers of the Jews. The Martyrs confessed Him with songs of joy as they burned at the stake. Confession now often consists in the re cital of a verse of Scripture or a line of poetry. In the midst of the glory of heaven, before all of the assembled host, angels, principalities and powers He will proclaim us as His own. If we confess him, He says, “I will confess you.” Think of the scene’ when in the midst of the great gathering where angels, principalities and powers are assembled and all the hosts of redeemed saints, He of the pierced hands will ac knowledge us as His own. What a shame - to us if ever we are weak enough to denv Him! ' Lesson IX .—March 1,1914. Golden Text—Luke 12:34. F or where your treasure is, there will your heart he also.'’ There are three things over which most of our worries come—food, raiment, shelter; these three comprise the sum of living down here, the things which are essential to life’s sustenance. God feeds the birds—they neither sow nor reap, yet God careth for them. We sow and reap and ought to be able to trust God to do the rest. “How much more are ye than many sparrows.” If God sows, reaps and gathers for the fowls of the air will He not do as much in behalf of those for whom-Jesus Christ died? God clothes the lilies and their garments transcend in beauty the most elaborate ves ture of a Solomon. Will He not clothe His own children? Has He not already clothed ug with His own righteousness? Has He not assured us that we will be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven? (2 Cor. S:2-5). When He has promised us our resurrection bodies will He forget or forsake us now? Can He? The Father knows. The antidote for worry is trust. The foundation of trust is knowledge. We trust in proportion to our knowledge. If we know Him we will trust Him. The worrying Christian is one who
does not know the Father. We are not to trust in ourselves (2 Cor. 11:1-9; 1 Cor. 4:7); nor in riches (Prov. 11:24); nor in secular or religious alliances. These are a refuge of lies and will be swept away in the storm. We trust in the living God. We trust Him because we know Him as a God of love, a God of mercy, a God of power, a faithful God and we will trust in Him for ever. He says He will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him. What we need is settled conviction concerning God, His Word, His works; Settled affec tions, centering our affections upon Him with a settled will. Abandoned to Him, surrendered absolutely so that we do not want to have our own will, then we will find He will keep us in perfect peace. Be care ful for nothing, be prayerful in everything, be thankful for anything and He will gar rison your soul against all worry. If you deposit your securities with your sovereign in heaven you can sleep soundly. Your heart will find its home where its treasures are, housed. What you give to the Lord is gain. What you lay up on earth is loss. Periods of plenty are followed by sea sons of scarcity. Put your trust in Provi dence. Make Mammon your servant and compel it to glorify God. Anxiety for to morrow will sap .your strength for today. The foremost thing is the will and work of God. Put things first. Who lives for the world to come will find it well Worth living for. Lesson X .—March 8, 1914. G olden T e x t— Luke 12:37. "Blessed are. those servants zvhom the Lord, when H e comes, shall find watching." Now if words can be construed into any meaning, the lesson here is an easy one. Servants are here commended for watch ing. Why are they .commended for watch ing? Because they were told to watch. What were they to watch for? Their Lord. Why were they told to watch? Because He was coming; and the time of His com- ing was not given them, therefore they were to be on the lookout for Him. Now if He tells them to watch (and He did, Mat-
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