King's Business - 1914-02

BEST BOOKS ON THE LORD’S SECOND COMING (CONTINUED) Missing Ones, The. By J. W . Paper.. A short tract on the rapture of the saints which is especially helpful in presenting this truth to the thought­ ful attention of the open-minded. “ Morning Cometh, The.’ * By Bev, David James Burrell, D. D. Cloth.. .75 student, and a convincing argument ‘ for the uninformed. To the text itself is appended a collation of Scripture passages for individual study, classified and arranged in the most convenient manner for ready reference. A supplement to the book contains “Pre-Millennarianism or Post-Millennarianism—Which?” by

A masterly comparison of the earli­ est history with modern times, show­ ing “the § fruition of God’s plans. - While the one general thought runs through thfev book, each chapter is complete in itself, and- furnishes food for profitable meditation and practical Christian living. Notes on Daniel. By William Kelly. Paper, 40c; cloth ...........__.75 A most valuable and lucid -exposition of the prophecies of this book with practical applications of its moral lessons. Papers on the Lord’s Coming. By C. H. Mackintosh. Paper, 15c; cloth.. .30 The two resurrections; the two judgments; the coming, and “ The Day of the Lord." Plain Papers on Prophetic Subjects. By W . Trotter. 600 pages, cloth.... 1.25 Contents: The heavenly hope; or What is the hope of the church? Approaching judgments. The com­ ing crisis and its results. The doom of Christendom. Israel’s restoration. Is the Millennium or Christ’s Second Advent to be expe'cted first? Number o f Man, The; or, the Climax of Civilization. By Philip Mauro. New popular edition, 12mo., doth.. .75 A startling arraignment, of the man­ made conditions which are combin­ ing their influence to destroy Chris- tianity. ........ Present State of the Crops, The. By Philip Mauro. 30 pp., paper, 5c; per dozen ,__________ _____ ______;___ .50 Limitations of man’s abilities. The nature of the tares. The length of man’s day. Harvest time. Gather­ ing tares into bundles, etc. A strik­ ing characteristic of this age. Prophecy of Daniel, The. By A . C. Gaebelein. Cloth .....;_________ ........ .50 A key to his visions and prophecies. A book that ranks high as a sane and scriptural exposition of Scripture. Meat in Due Season. Paper ' .10 Addresses on the Lord’s Coming and kindred themes. Prophetic Chart on the Course of Time, A . By B. Booth. Litho­ graphed in seven colors, 13x33 with a key ' , • •'• ' '' .40 A pamphlet of 36 pages. Return of the Lord Jesus, The. By R. A . Torrey, D.D. Paper.........___ ... .25 This new book by Dr. Torrey is a masterly treatment of all phases of the second bodily coming of our Tord Jesus! The subject is handled in a positive, authoritative manner, and the author leaves no loophole for a doubter’s doubts. It is at once a systematic, concise text-book for the

Rev. J. H. Sammis, and “How I Be­ came a Pre-M illennialiyt,” by Rev. . James H. Brooks, D. D. Rev. Sam­ mis has put into eight pages a sur­ prising quantity of. reliable informa-, tion .clothed .in the terse language of his literary style, and Doctor Brooks adds his personal experience and conviction on the general sub­ ject under discussion. Revelation of Christ to His Servants. By F. W . Grant _____ _____ ._.......... . l.on Suggestive and valuable to the stu- dent of Revelation, Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth. By Dr. C. I. Scofield. Paper................15 Contents: The Jew, the Gentile, and the Church of God. The Seven Dis­ pensations. The Two. Advents. The Two Resurrections. Law and Grace. Thè Believer’s Two Natures, etc. Second Coming o f Christ, The. By lien Broughton. Cloth ...__ _______.50 Full of rich truth. Second Coming of Christ, The. By Robert E. Speer. Cloth..____ t______ .30 Thinking people trust Mr. Speer for his loyalty to the Lord Jesus and his knowledge of the Word of God. .Satan and the Saint; or, The Present Darkness an dthe Coming Light. By Dr. James M . Gray. Paper, 15c; cloth. “It is well calculated to be emi­ nently useful in these apostate days.” Revelation of Christ to His Servants, The. By F. W . Grant. Cloth.......... 1.00 “Things that are,” and “Things that shall be.” Signs of the Times, The. By Dr. I. M . Haldeman. Cloth ________ .....___ .75 A new and large edition at this re­ markably low price. Vivid and startling portrayals of present-day conditions. Someone is Coming. By Rev. John MacNeil, B. A . Cloth............. .......L .50 A straightforward, brief study, in­ cluding the first resurrection, the rapture, the great tribulation the millennial reign, and the judgment of the Great White Throne. A valuable chart showing past and coming events is appended. Shepherd o f Israel and His Scattered Flock. By David Baron. Cloth...... 1.00 An exposition of the Eightieth Psalm in the light of Jewish history: Sunrise: “ Behold He Cometh!” By G. Campbell Morgan, D.D. Cloth.... .50 A well-reasoned contribution to a subject which all who believe in Christ’s "birth and resurrection will consider thoughtfully. __..........__________ ;___ ,50

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