King's Business - 1914-02

Bible Institute of Los Angeles

of doctrine and our purpose is to push the business of distributing ' tracts, booklets, Testaments, Bibles and best books through­ out the world. Let us be your servants in the book business. . The Oil Field Work. Messrs. Sloan and Lines returned to the city for the holidays, after three months of strenuous work among the hills. The work in December was greatly blessed. Some fif­ teen backsliders were reclaimed, and twelve professed conversion. Nineteen united with churches and two more are expecting to assume church membership. The work of these' brethren is blessedly hard, but they find real joy in carrying the Gospel to men who have no one else to minister to them. Hundreds of men who have not heard the Word of God for years hear the message through these brethren. These men. are real missionaries with a more difficult task, attended with greater privations, than most missionaries to the regions beyond are called upon in these days to endure. They have gone back to their work for a six months’ absence. The Fishermen’s Club. The Club elects its officers . every six months. The following were chosen to serve for the ensuing term: President, Harry Hill, a graduate of the Bible Insti­ tute ; vice-president, Theodore P. Smith; secretary, Allan Osterholt; financial secre­ tary, Geo. Zartman; treasurer, Burt Mc­ Farland; evangelistic secretary, Irwin S. Smith; membership secretary, Donald Youngken. A deep missionary spirit how prevails the Club. Within the last year two of the members, have gone to China, four to Af­ rica, and two are leaving this month for South America. A number are looking for­ ward to chosen fields. Members of the Club are conducting evangelistic meetings in one of the city churches during the month of January and tokens of coming blessing already attend the mission.

The Annuity Investment. Perhaps you have some funds which you want to devote to Gospel work after your death. Can you do better than to put it into immediate use in our great evangelistic enterprise, and receive an income from it while you live? We will pay you an in­ terest based upon your age and you can have the pleasure of a double investment.- Write for our Annuity Leaflet. About the Bonds. They are selling and some still for sale. Should you have any capital you desire to invest, what better investment can you make than in our 6 per cent interset-bearing gold bonds, secured by our great buildings now' in process of construction and to be fin­ ished for occupancy by September the first ? If you have one hundred or one thousand dollars we can serve you. Tell your friends about it. Write us for Bond Booklet, giv­ ing full particulars. Your Gifts for 1914. Why not put some of your money into the definite work which we are doing? Souls are being saved every day. You can choose any department of our work you please and you will not fail to get good re­ turns for money given. We have no side issues. All our work is definitely evan­ gelical and evangelistic. We invite the clos­ est scrutiny of every department. All our workers are devoted to the business of giv­ ing the Gospel to the lost. With your help we can enlarge all our departments. The Book Store We desire to extend our thanks to the readers of the K ing ' s B usiness , many of whom have helped so materially in the building up of our book business. The last year showed a great increase in the volume of the trade. We have laid foundations for a big business with the B est Books. Our aim is to carry no books but such ns are in perfect accord with our statement

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