King's Business - 1914-02


. THE KING ’S BUSINESS Bible Women’s Notes

and life and bears daily testimony of His grace. A father who was a pronounced back­ slider and his spn, who was an unbeliever, worked together in one of the .shops where for four years they attended the meetings held each week. When the shop men de­ cided they would buy an organ for their weekly gatherings, these two men gladly contributed, yet stubbornly refused to yield their hearts to Jesus Christ. The son was finally attacked with a se­ rious illness necessitating an operation. On his return home, though still confined to his room and bed, a dinner was planned, with the shop worker and wife as welcome guests, to celebrate the loved one’s return. Before the departure of these friends the worker suggested that prayer be offered. The father and son were greatly moved, but for some time refused to submit to God, using every time-worn excuse; but the Spirit of God was there in power and in spite of all Satan’s hindrances, first the father then the son confessed his sin un­ reservedly and joyfully, accepted the Christ as Lord and Saviour. Though the father fell on his boy’s neck and they wept to­ gether the tears were tears of gladness and their hearts were knit together in the closest tie known in earth. Now the house is united in loyal service for our Lord. among the Russians. He is one of the many men that street meetings reached and put to active work. We hope to hear great things from the work in the Russian quar­ ter! Charles Stimson’s “Bootblack Sunday School” is crowded and overflowing; in fact, we do not know what we will do with all the boys that we now are reaching. Our hall has become far too small and we have had to rearrange our interior and now we have only capacity for about half of the

The many Bible classes of the Bible wo­ men are continually showing good results. One class which began with about one dozen young people, now numbers Over seventy-five. From it are coming soul-win­ ners, and we expect, some students for the Bible Institute, where ■ they will be fully equipped for Christian work. In Oklahoma a young girl of thirteen, given away, put into the fields to pick cot­ ton, became fascinated with the passing pa­ rade of a circus and with her imagination fired by the sight, entered into service. Her knowledge of pony riding made the way too easy for her. From this to the regular show was but a step and she con­ tinued in the business until at twenty-eight years old she found it all a nauseating van­ ity and vexation of spirit. She had had a girl’s dream of great fame, but the burst bubble found her in Los Angeles, where she finally entered a business college. This time of sore need, when she had no human relative or friend near to help and encourage her was, God’s opportunity and He permitted one of our Bible women to lead this young woman from her awful darkness into the blessed light of His love and care. She had never been in Sunday school, never even heard of God’s plan of salvation for the lost. She is now earning an honest living, honoring the Lord by lip Mars Hill Bible Class, held at two-o’clock Sunday afternoons, is one of the most in­ teresting meetings we have. The hall is crowded to the occupancy of the last chair and a score of men stand around the door during the whole hour while “Jesus Christ our Lord” is taught from the word. Brother Johnson, a Russian missionary to men in the Russian quarter, is the new departure of Mars Hill. Johnson, who is a Yoke Fellow, now a student in the Bible Institute, has taken the work for men

Yokefellow’s Hall

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