King's Business - 1914-02



time they are met with answers from God’s Word. The interest in this meeting is not lacking so is continued for one hour and forty-five minutes without a change of speaker or subject. One Sunday last month, just a normal condition, one thou­ sand one hundred thirty-five men were present. There were in all forty indoor meetings held last month, with one hundred seventy- six men professing to have accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour. The Yoke Fellows have taken more interest in Bible study and there has been an increase of attend­ ance at the Bible Institute. All this work has a great influence on the city of Los Angeles and especially on Los Angeles street. The absence of riot notes the con­ dition, for anyone now can preach the Gos­ pel on Los Angeles street, providing he knows the Gospel to preach it, for these men readily detect any counterfeit that comes with a spurious Gospel. We note also that more than two thousand meals have been given to different individuals during the last month, also that the unem­ ployed do not number half as many as at this time last month. tions. He became very bitter, and often1 at the Plaza he would harangue against the Bibie, the churches, and all authority and order. During the past year I have often talked with him, sometimes for an hour or more at a time. I told him that I believed that he was a Christian, but. that for what he was doing God would have to deal very severely with him. He has had some very bitter experiences. His little child died, and he has had financial difficulties so that he had to give up the home he was buying, and upon which hq had paid quite a good deal. Finally he could not stand it any longer, and he came to me and told me that he could not continue that kind of a life longer. He said that he became so miser­ able that he bought a revolver with the in­ tention of gathering together a .crowd of

boys we touch. Many of them are experts in, committing Gospel text' to memory and the school certainly is the delight of Mr. Stimson’s heart, who eats dinner with the boys every Sunday.' One evening when we were having testi­ monies just before the giving of the mes­ sage, a man, very well dressed and pros­ perous looking, came in. This in brief is his. story—several weeks " before he had come into the hall, ragged, dirty, covered with vermin and under the influence of liquor. He had, that night, seen Jesus Christ as his Saviour and thus the trans­ formation was accounted for. In this way we are often encouraged and the Lord shows us the fruit of our labor. At three o’clock on Sunday afternoons a very interesting meeting is conducted en­ tirely by the Mars Hill Yoke Fellows. Here also we have a number of prominent men speaking from Sunday to Sunday. At five o’clock is the big meeting outside, which is largely attended by the “I Wabbly-Wab- blies.” Here they come with all their ob­ jections to the Bible, charges against God and accusations against Christians. Every During the past year 315 indoor and 343 open air meetings were conducted at the Mission; Besides the above meetings, §6 Bible classes, 25 preaching services, 134 other meetings, and 134 Sunday school classes were conducted elsewhere.’ Also 61 afternoon Bible classes were conducted at the Mission; and 167 persons professed Christ as their Savior and Lord. Over 56,- 000 tracts and 543 Bibles, Testaments and Gospels were distributed. The Bibles, Tes­ taments and Gospels are only given where ,we have assurance,that they will be read. One man, who was converted about seven years ago, turned from God about two years ago, because largely influenced by the pernicious literature so freely circulated in Spanish, and also because of social condi­

The Spanish Mission

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